
Showing posts from March, 2016

Shift Happens!

Today a 'Penumbral' eclipse occurred early in am. L ess obvious but  just as powerful in astrological terms, the effects are similar to a Full Moon, in that it will bring to a head the issues stirred up over the week's since the March 8th New Moon Solar eclipse. (read last few posts)  That event revealed vulnerabilities or wounding that are finally ready to be healed and released.  Now it's time to move on from the past, time to let go of something, or some aspect of yourself, that is not serving you anymore to make room for something new. In Aries (sun) Libra (moon) the relationship between self and other is highlighted. Something about our pattern of relating is about to shift.  Whatever has been 'up' these last few weeks points to the core issue we can now resolve or walk away from.  This is a chance to break out of those repeating, and self defeating patterns of blame, shame, projection, defection, blurt and hurt (etc) that never seem to end. Most of these p

Springing into an Eclipse (Wed Mar 23)

Spring has sprung... into fiery Aries.  It's  time to get up and get going after a long dreamy float in Piscean waters. Venus (love) and Neptune (dreams) encourage us a tendency to linger in old emotional memories, but Moon in discerning Virgo encourages us to take a step back to see the bigger picture (Jupiter)  Sometimes we love our pain don't we? (Chiron).  But holding on wont do you any good. The times they are a changing.  Moon and Jupiter in Virgo sit right at the North Node which signifies the direction we need to be heading. The last wistful longings of Venus (love) cuddled up with Neptune (merging, dissolving, dreaming) are on the the South Node which represent the past and what we need to move beyond. Chiron's presence has brought up old wounds and vulnerabilities, as well as the possibility of healing it all for once and for all. And sometimes that healing involves allowing new energy to enter the situation. So, as we beg for one l

Spring Equinox, Partial Lunar Eclipse: Fight or flow

We are heading toward the Spring equinox (equal day and night) followed by a partial Lunar eclipse in the Sign of Libra. Eclipses often mark significant events and a transition from old to new. The New Moon Solar eclipse in Pisces two weeks ago stirred up everything that wants or needs to be released.  Its a good time for shedding anything you want rid of. Good for cleaning house, clearing out papers, old photos, old stuff and for clearing emotional baggage as well. Time for something completely different. Meanwhile, as we await the eclipse, everything is floating in Piscean waters right now  at the threshold of  seasonal change. The winter is finally over and spring is sprung. This is a good time to contemplate a part  your life that is morphing or changing. It can be a bit uncomfortable in the space in between. Nothing is certain, nothing can be pinned down. Are your dreams more real and intense than waking life? You're not alone! There is a profound healin

The times they are a changing....

This is called a Grand Cross or Grand Square ... where planets are either at square angles or opposite each other. Squares and oppositions create extreme tension, yet something happens with a Grand Cross; every corner combines to create a larger, stronger shape. A container. Like a diamond. So a Grand Cross is similar to a diamond, where extreme pressure creates something beautiful, durable, powerful out of something dark, crude, base. In Mutable signs (mutating, shifting) means change is afoot. Nothing is what it seems. Everything is shifting, changing, morphing and we really cant say where it will all end up.  Sun in Pisces emphasizes Faith and Trust. Chiron brings healing. Venus adds love and beauty. Neptune adds Chaos and Confusion, with Mercury these become precursors to creativity. Or madness. Saturn squared says...  keep it real. Good to have all these sweet feelings but remember to walk your talk. Keep your feet in reality. Don't believe everythin

Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse: Revelation. Redemption. Restoration.

An eclipse marks a break with the past. This is a time of inner knowing and inner forgetting.   As Bernie sanders says " The same ol', same ol' will not work!" Time for something new to emerge. Hidden issues rise up to the surface to be dissolved in the waters of healing compassion and love. All we have to do is release that which we are not (that which is an illusion). Saturn in Sagittarius says it's time to know... (not just believe). And yet we seem to know so little. Sabian Symbol *19 degrees Pisces: "The Master instructs his (her) disciple"   "The transfer of power and knowledge which keeps the original spiritual and creative impulse active and undeviated".                                                     Dane Rudyar, The Sabian Symbols                                                                         Are you ready to forgive and forget? Are you ready to remember? We are  being heavily dosed with