
Showing posts from June, 2019

Eclipse: Portal into the Unknown

We have a Solar Eclipse this Tuesday July 2nd-  and a Lunar Eclipse two weeks later. It will be only visible in parts of South America- but many of ya will be feeling it nonetheless. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be especially sensitive to this powerful energy.  Eclipses symbolise rebirth and renewal; they portend the end of an era and the start of new chapters.  The period between eclipses is a kind of portal - where feelings shift and morph as we prepare for a new way of being.   The coming July 2nd Solar Eclipse symbolizes a need to face something from our personal or collective history (or herstory)  - a kind of karmic reckoning (Saturn) as we come to terms with past  actions (by us or affecting us).  Then - at the Lunar Eclipse two weeks later - Pluto (the destroyer) will help clear the slate. Deep change and transformation is at hand. It’s time to remove the mask and step into your real self.  It is possible that childhood abuses  could be coming to light - in order

Summer Equinox - Pause Breathe Proceed

The Summer Equinox is also called the Solar Standstill- as the Sun appears to stand still in the same spot (it’s highest point above earth) for four days. This four day slowdown also occurs at the winter equinox when the Sun is at it’s lowest point. So this is a moment to pause - breath - stand still. Take in the moment. Review- Reflect- Renew!  We are about to have a solar eclipse at the July 2nd Cancer New Moon- a time to release something from the past as we enter another  major shift.   We are recreated in every moment - at every breath. So breathe in - hold it - feel it - breathe out.  You know you want to!

Be a Warrior for Good

Yesterday the Moon in Capricorn was hanging out with Pluto (The Destroyer ) re-ctivating the  already volatile  Mars Saturn Pluto intensity. With the Moon now in Aquarius we can take a step back and  detach from any control dramas that have arisen - allowing us some distance to catch our breath. Whew! Some will have dodged another bullet / others may be  licking their wounds. And it’s not over yet! Although many are in warrior mode- this is a time to lay down your weapons.  Of course there are righteous causes that require our noble efforts, but most of us are more likely to be entangled in petty ego conflicts. Remember who you are (Jupiter in Sagittarius - Neptune in Pisces) Don’t let yourself get dragged down by stuff that really doesn’t matter. We are born innocent. Powerful. Free.  What happened?   “Why do we forget ? Plain old livin' I imagine..." (Blaze Foley)  This is a time of remembering and forgetting. Remembering who we are is tough  when we
I've not finished my longer post so am cut and pasting shorter ones from Facebook.  If you want to receive email notification for new posts leave your info at top right. Things are intense as we approach Monday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius. Impatience and irritation can cause us to lose our peace as we try to force things to go the way we want them to.’Remember - you cannot push the river. Take each moment one breath at a time. “Fate comes when it will - and thus we are ready.” I Ching  Mars is in fight, flight or f*^k mode. Saturn is giving Mars a hard time - blocking it at every turn. Mercury Monkey Mind is on full tilt!  Focus your energy in as direct and disciplined a manner as you can,  and much can be accomplished. At the same time,  it’s good to allow for a little bit of chaos.  There is also tremendous creativity available via Neptune and Jupiter. We can use this inspiration  to move energy in a positive way! Stay at the center and

New Moon New Moment New Choice

Today’s NEW MOON in GEMINI contains some tricky, trickster type energy. Ground yourself - avoid extremes - hold to middle way. Change is afoot - set your intentions carefully!  (don’t forget to read the fine print!) We are about to discover what  awesome  creators we are as we vision our way forward. Every New Moon is a new beginning. As we circle around the Sun each year - the Moon is also circling us. When the Moon and Sun line up together - we get a synergistic blend of yin and yang - inner and outer - feminine and masculine. This cosmic joining is a fertile seed time that gives us an opportunity to create anew. Over the next 48 hours we can plant seeds of intention and focus our way forward into the coming month. This intentionality arises out of the rhythm of life - each New Moon progresses around the zodiac and brings us to the next sign and the next phase. Round and round the circle we go - ever spiralling - ever growing - ever learning.  With the focus on Gemini right now, we g