Be a Warrior for Good

Yesterday the Moon in Capricorn was hanging out with Pluto (The Destroyer ) re-ctivating the  already volatile  Mars Saturn Pluto intensity. With the Moon now in Aquarius we can take a step back and  detach from any control dramas that have arisen - allowing us some distance to catch our breath. Whew! Some will have dodged another bullet / others may be  licking their wounds. And it’s not over yet!

Although many are in warrior mode- this is a time to lay down your weapons.  Of course there are righteous causes that require our noble efforts, but most of us are more likely to be entangled in petty ego conflicts. Remember who you are (Jupiter in Sagittarius - Neptune in Pisces) Don’t let yourself get dragged down by stuff that really doesn’t matter.

We are born innocent. Powerful. Free.  What happened?

  “Why do we forget ? Plain old livin' I imagine..." (Blaze Foley) 

This is a time of remembering and forgetting. Remembering who we are is tough  when we are triggered. Watch your reactions as pressurized situations trigger those old defense systems that have been built up over a lifetime to protect our hidden hurts and traumas. 

 Mars  opposite Pluto (exact today)  is very challenging, difficult,  volatile. It’s ok to be a warrior - in fact - claiming our inner power is imperative at the moment. But we must discern between true empowerment and  knee-jerk reactivity.  According to Eckert Tolle (The Power of Now) the ego-mind  is  based on fear - False Evidence Appearing Real! 

Notice  hair-trigger responses  (they should be quite obvious by now) and try to find a way to move through them so that you cause no harm. More easily said than done? 
 (often we don't even know what we are reacting to - or that we may be reacting from fear).

 If you are in a conflict right now -  self righteousness is at an all time high (Jupiter in Sagittarius opposite Sun in Gemini). Try not to be all-knowing... (my own specialty with Moon in Sag !!)

Pluto  is so powerfully transformative - it can change the trajectory of our whole life in a moment - if we are able to process what’s coming up and surrender to its power to heal us (even as it threatens to destroy us - from the egos point of view)

There’s s thin line between love and hate

Despite our tendency to be defensive right now -  our deepest fear can lead us to our deepest longing -  for peace, love and harmony (Neptune in Pisces). Isn't it ironic that  as we struggle to open up to our deepest longings -  we are simultaneously  hanging on even tighter to our rigid defenses.  Deep down most of us don't want to fight - we want peace. We want to love and be loved. Our ongoing struggle with intimacy is usually due to deep wounds to the soul that require healing.   (Sun square Chiron) 

 Moon in Aquarius is great for detaching from emotionally charged situations - yet it can also leave us 'too cool for school'. Letting down our guard is not easy when we feel we have to defend ourself -  yet at a deeper level,  that is exactly what we need and want to do.

“Be compassionate with yourself. Chances are you are unavailable for a really good reason, it’s a safety technique. To grow into a more available person, you need to “go there” with yourself first, you need to get comfortable with seeing uncomfortable things about your behavior, history, and experiences. Then when your body is crawling inward, wanting to run, just breathe and stay for a moment longer.       It does get easier.” 
(author unknown)

And don't judge (yourself or others). That is often the first response we have when we feel threatened. Remember we are all mirrors of each other. If you see someting in someone it is probably also in you. Remove the log out of your own eye before you point out the splinter in another's. 

That doesn't mean putting up with abuse. But let Saturn be  the judge - it will record our deeds and misdeeds and ask for accountability. Saturn can be  a harsh taskmaster, so please don't  add to the load. Try and see  other points of view - learn to walk in the other person's shoes.

"Seek first to understand, before you seek to be understood." Steven Covey

That means you'll have to forgive yourself in the process(Sun-Chiron). As within- so without. This may not be easy - yet once we conquer our judgements and our fears (by healing our inner wounds)   - we can use our super powers for good. 

You know you want to!
