Eclipse: Portal into the Unknown

We have a Solar Eclipse this Tuesday July 2nd-  and a Lunar Eclipse two weeks later. It will be only visible in parts of South America- but many of ya will be feeling it nonetheless. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be especially sensitive to this powerful energy. 

Eclipses symbolise rebirth and renewal; they portend the end of an era and the start of new chapters. The period between eclipses is a kind of portal - where feelings shift and morph as we prepare for a new way of being. 

The coming July 2nd Solar Eclipse symbolizes a need to face something from our personal or collective history (or herstory)  - a kind of karmic reckoning (Saturn) as we come to terms with past  actions (by us or affecting us). 

Then - at the Lunar Eclipse two weeks later - Pluto (the destroyer) will help clear the slate. Deep change and transformation is at hand. It’s time to remove the mask and step into your real self. 

It is possible that childhood abuses  could be coming to light - in order to be finally healed (Chiron) so we can step into a more fully integrated wholeness of self. 

This is not easy energy - and you may be feeling the tension inherent in such a deep and profound clearing  process. 

Be gentle with yourself as you hold the tension between the past and the present. Something that has shadowed you your whole life may be being cleared away for once and for all. 

This is also a New Moon - where we set our intentions for the coming month. An eclipse extends that time frame - so our intentions are especially potent now. Ground your energy. Feel your feelings. Breathe through and into any pain that arises. After the storm comes a rainbow. 

All will be well. 
