
Showing posts from October, 2013

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

I don't have access to my computer right now so am typing this on my phone. The formatting is a bit wonky so I am going to keep it short and sweet. This weekend we stand  at the midpoint between two eclipses. The last two posts made reference to the recent lunar eclipse in Libra. On Nov 3rd we then have a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. There is an acceleration of energies propelling us forward at mock speed. At the same time,  Mercury going retrograde in Scorpio  has met up with both Saturn (the planet of karma) and the North Node of the Moon..(known as the destiny point). The destiny points shows us the direction society must take at a this time. With Saturn and Mercury lined up together in Scorpio...there will be some kind of truth telling going on. When the planet of communication appears  to go backward in the sky, our thoughts and need for connectedness turns inward. In Scorpio this brings us into the depths of our psyche... bringing us face to fa...

Full Moon Eclipse in Aries: A Quantum Leap Forward

And  Aries is the sign of initiative, of self, of taking risks and starting something new.  It is the sign of the warrior, the leader, the self made man or woman. Aries says 'do it now!' A Full Moon brings to a peak whatever intention we put out at the previous New Moon (whether intenionallay or not)... which was in the opposite sign of Libra... and about finding harmony, beauty and balance in our lives, and about getting along with others. The New Moon in Libra was particularly intense and noteworthy due to its being in line with the impressive grand cross configuration that  marks our current era of radical change an upheaval. (if you scroll down to past articles I've written of this quite frequently.... likening this pattern to the pressure and strength of a diamond). At the New Moon, Sun and Moon in Libra (relationships...) squared  Jupiter in Cancer (profound emotional transformation) and Pluto in Capricorn ( powerful change and breakdown in authority sy...

An Attitude of Gratitude

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada. I am cooking the traditional turkey ... which the native community calls the 'giveaway' bird. It's symbolism is about giving as an act of honouring all those who are in our lives and the abundant universe that provides life for all. I am deeply grateful for my family and friends  in my life  who  remind me of the beauty of being human. The newest addition to our family is my granddaughter Izzy, who at 10 months old is so innately happy, inquisitive, and open to everything. Born under the sign of Sagittarius, she is truly an embodiment of the current Venus in Sagittarius energy. Venus is love, and Sagittarius is about being our truest, largest self. And about gratitude. Children remind us of our innate innocence through their pure nature ... still intact before so much gets dumped on them in the process of adapting to the outer world. Then their journey, as ours,  is to find our way back to that original innocence. Too bad...

New Moon in Libra (Friday) FInding Balance Amidst Chaos

A New Moon is a seed energy created by the combining (conjunction) of Sun and Moon in the same area of the sky. As Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious)  join forces, whatever intention we put out at this time will carry over into the coming month. The astrology of the New Moon also gives us a sense of the overall energy we will be dealing with in weeks to come. A sliver of light will start to appear as the Moon begins anew its monthly cycle. The New Moon yesterday was in the sign of Libra. This puts the focus on balancing and harmonizing our relationships. Sun (masculine) and Moon (feminine) in conjunction bring out the inherent dynamics of union. In Libra we seek fairness, justice and harmony.  That may be a bit tricky now, because, as usual these days, there are some strange and intense energies going on.  Both the Moon and Sun in square (tension, action) to Pluto (the destroyer, transformer) and Jupiter (expansion, exaggeration) and opposite ...