
Showing posts from 2013

WInter Solstice - Welcoming the Light - Approaching 2014

  In ancient times, human beings had no artificial light sources and were more attuned to the cycles of nature signified by the Sun and Moon.   Massive prehistoric stone monuments such as Stonehenge in Britain are aligned to capture the light at the moment of the winter solstice sunrise.  Throughout history, people have celebrated the winter solstice, often in anticipation toward the return of summer sunlight During the warmer half of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted toward the sun. The northern winter solstice occurs when the "top" half of Earth is tilted away from the sun at its most extreme angle of the year. "Solstice" means   "sun stands still." That's because—after months of growing shorter and lower since the summer solstice—the sun's arc through the sky appears to stabilize, with the sun seeming to rise and set in the same two places for several days. Then, on Dec 25 th ,   the arc beg...

Full Moon in Gemini Knowledge vs Belief

This is a celebratory, dynamic, chatty Full Moon, with Moon in Gemini and Sun and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) sitting opposite in Sagittarius. Gemini is the symbol of duality (represented by the twins) and of all the multiplicities of life. In Gemini there is always so much to say. This is  the sign of the mind with all its complexities and intrigues; our curiousity and endless questioning create a great a variety of expressions ... including the strong urge to socialize.  Gemini is about our daily lives, and Sagittarius is about seeing the big picture.  Think globally, act locally! The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, which is currently cuddled up to the Sun in Sagittarius.This can set up a polarity between what you believe vs what you know. or what you believe and what others profess to know) Gemini wants us to  to think and  Sagittarius wants us to follow our hearts. We can  honour both as we trust  that inner ...

Mercury in Sagittarius: Expand your Thinking!

“Mercury in Sag (Wed) and Mars into Libra Saturday = things are lightening/speeding up! Get on ya horse 'n ride!"                             Tom Lescher, The Pele Report   For most of this year we have been going through a powerful period of emotional cleansing, represented by a Grand Trine in Water Signs, and amped up by a recent focus in the rather intense sign of Scorpio. That will remain the background with Saturn and North Node still in Scorpio. But things feel a bit lighter with Sun and Mercury now in Sagittarius. In my last post about the New Moon in Sag, (scroll down)   I   described the expansive joyful energies of Sagittarius.   This is the sign of the freedom loving adventurer and spiritual seeker in all of us. Mercury here asks us to think outside the box and answer that inner call for higher knowledge. (see last post on the Sagittarius New Moon by ...

New Moon in Sagittarius: Our Personal Best

 Here we are at another New Moon.  It's been a complete moon cycle since my last post.  My how times flies when you are having fun (or moving house)!  Sunday we have a New Moon in  Sagittarius, sign of the archer; seeker of truth. He is shown as half man/half horse, shooting his arrow into the heavens.  Sagittarius  represents our high ideals and journey toward spiritual connection, and following our heart. The symbolism of half horse half man links body and soul, heaven and earth.  Human means divine man(or woman) Sagittarius is the teacher, the guru, the eternal student/ world traveller, ever on a quest, ever seeking the deeper meaning in life.  Sagittarius contains the galactic core, center of our universe.   Today, before it enters Sagittarius, the Moon is on the point of last months New Moon eclipse in Scorpio. That was a time of  releasing the old to make way for the new. The eclipse  activated...

Light Trumps Darkness: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Today, Friday Nov 1 st , Uranus is in exact square to Pluto for the fourth time…   in Capricorn at 9 degrees. Then in two days we have a New Moon eclipse in Scorpio.  When push comes to shove somethings gotta give!! Uranus = sudden change, rebellion, new vision in Aries: initiative, warrior energy, leadership Pluto = death, power, transformation in Capricorn = authority, systems, material world, patriarchy We have been going through a lot of upheaval in the past few years as this aspect sets off powerful changes in our lives. Events triggered by outer planets arrive as if fated, and when they hit our personal charts we  best be prepared for disruption!  If not being affected directly, we can witness their effect in the outer world. Notice some pretty mad events lately?Yup, that would be Uranus Pluto!! The last time they were bumping up against each other was  in the sixtes, and we all know how much chang...

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

I don't have access to my computer right now so am typing this on my phone. The formatting is a bit wonky so I am going to keep it short and sweet. This weekend we stand  at the midpoint between two eclipses. The last two posts made reference to the recent lunar eclipse in Libra. On Nov 3rd we then have a solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. There is an acceleration of energies propelling us forward at mock speed. At the same time,  Mercury going retrograde in Scorpio  has met up with both Saturn (the planet of karma) and the North Node of the Moon..(known as the destiny point). The destiny points shows us the direction society must take at a this time. With Saturn and Mercury lined up together in Scorpio...there will be some kind of truth telling going on. When the planet of communication appears  to go backward in the sky, our thoughts and need for connectedness turns inward. In Scorpio this brings us into the depths of our psyche... bringing us face to fa...