
Full Blood Moon

Today's Full Blood Moon, Hunters Moon  (Thurs Oct 17th) is bringing us powerful transformative energies that need to be handled carefully. Just a few days ago we had a Grand Cross, two Grand Trines, a Mystic Rectangle and two  Yods (finger of god).  Holy Schmoly! I know not everyone will know what those terms mean; essentially every majour astrological configuration has been activated this week! Today the Grand Cross (tension) remains as well as a Grand Trine (fluidity) ...pushing us toward breakthroughs and positive forward movement. Find your passion. Do it!   Full Moons bring to a head what has been building since the last New Moon, which in this case was also a Solar Eclipse . Eclipses mark ending, new beginnings, and now we are in the fallout and coming to terms with what has been lost - or found.  The planets right now describe a LOT of confrontation, conflict and tension ~ bordering on violence~ as well as equal options for resolution/transformation. Grace under fire

Finger of god

 The current astrology is following up from the two recent eclipses (see last posts) and contains not one but two unusual configurations call a Yod (Finger of god). A Yod points to a fated and oft repeated life lesson around the planets in focus. A  Finger of God is a somewhat challenging aspect that is absolutely  necessary to resolve  (or it will constantly come back to haunt us)  yet also contains inherent healing within it. Right now there are TWO of them!Eek! A Yod seeks to clear away old structures and patterns to create space for the new energy coming in. It can feel like a tornado has hit your life - survival skills are required. And a lot of faith (Neptune). (this tornado was named 'the finger of god')     One of the current Yods focuses on Communication (Mercury) and the other focuses on love and relationships (Venus) ... and possibly finances.  The recent eclipses in Aries/Libra have been revealing  weak spots in our relationship dynamics, bringing them to a head an

Solar eclipse today: Part 2.

In a couple of hours the Sun in will be eclipsed by the Moon.  This eclipse will occur mostly over water in the Pacific Rim, which is on the other side of the world from where I live (and mostly over water).   But it can be felt.   In my last post I focused more on personal relationship shifts ~ particularly as I know several people going through break ups or significant changes in their relationship dynamic.  I wanted to comeback on and expand a little bit to add that even if there are no significant outward changes, this eclipse points to a deep subconscious sea change in how we negotiate our personal space with others.    Speaking up is critical and boundary setting is  key. It's so easy to fall into patterns in the way we relate to people and although most often those patterns are rooted in our childhood, they are also rooted in our chart. So if you have strong Libra for instance, or Venus in a close aspect to your Sun, Moon or Ascendant, you will fall into a more adaptive and

Solar Eclipse on Libra South Node: Lessons in letting go

Sun/Moon conjunction: Self-awareness and emotional healing Eclipse /South Node in Libra: Emotional reset around our relationship patterns. Karmic closure. Mercury conjunct eclipse: Communication is key Mars square eclipse: Letting go of old resentments and anger The Annular (ring of fire) Solar Eclipse (New Moon in Libra) occurs on Wed Oct 2nd at 2:49 pm EST. Libra is a sign of balance and harmony. Mars at right angles - not so much! Endings that occur now may occur with some force. Venus (ruler of Libra and thus the eclipse) is in a beautiful fluid grand trine with both Mars and Saturn- mitigating the possible harsh effects of Mars. But Venus (ruler of Libra and thus this eclipse) is in Scorpio ~ a rather intense and somewhat challenging placement. Whatever is off balance in your life needs correcting.     This eclipse (2:49 EST) is the last of a series of eclipses on the axis of Libra/Aries, with this New Moon eclipse  on the karmic release point (south node of Moon) in Libra. This i

Full Moon Partial eclipse

Neptune ~ the planet of dreams and illusions ~ dominates tonight’s Full Moon/partial lunar eclipse (opposite Sun, conjunct Moon). This ethereal planet dissolves ‘reality’ and in so doing, carries us into a realm where nothing feels solid. While this may be hard on the ego ~ it offers us a new vision ~ and a new possibility ~ opening the portal to unity consciousness ~ to all that is. Neptune in Pisces has the potential to sweep us away on waves of mystical bliss ~ we can dive deep into madness or meditation ~ so beware of the increased need to stay grounded. Alcohol or drugs can contribute to the unreality. Your choice. A grand trine in earth signs plus Saturn in Pisces will help us to keep it real ~ feet on the ground. But perhaps you prefer floating away in Bliss! Creative expressions will be off the map. Addiction is another side effect: I binged watched six episodes of a new show on Netflix last night! It was a romantic drama ~ perfect as Venus opposite Chiron Activates Wounds to S

Virgo New Moon: Purify Focus Organize

  The Sun and Moon met up late Tuesday/early Wed (depending on where you live) in the sign of Virgo.   New Moons are reset buttons... we set a new intention and put it into motion.  You can't actually see a New Moon ~ but perhaps you felt it.  Virgo is a time of purification, organization, clarification, and there is a pressure now to get it together. The Moon Sun conjunction is opposite Saturn in Pisces, and square Jupiter in Gemini. That’s called a T square ~ where planets are opposite and they’re both at right angles to a third, and the effect is still rippling out. Big shifts are occurring in the background, as Pluto moves back into Capricorn - and Uranus turns backward. Other planets are changing signs as well (Mars/Venus, Jupiter and Neptune early 2025 ) and we will soon be in eclipse season. When Pluto first entered Capricorn( authority systems, governments, structures) in 2008 we had a global financial crash. Since then there's been a scramble to consolidate power -