
Showing posts from May 1, 2016

New Moon in Taurus : Part Two

 Please click on link to the right to be notified when there is a new post.   I wanted to add that this wonderful grounding  Taurus New Moon  is back-lit by some very dynamic and somewhat unsettling energies that are part of the ongoing restructuring and shaking down of the world as we know it (Pluto,Uranus/Saturn Neptune etc).  On Sunday the Moon moves into Aries and activates some of the more unsettled aspects, so enjoy your weekend but don't forget to batten down the hatches.  A tree with strong roots is not so easily blown over. The way ahead may not always be clear as the road keeps dipping and turning back on itself. To make it though the maze we will need to learn to tune into and trust our deepest instincts. As we reflect and review on our thoughts and actions (Mercury and Mars retrograde)  is healthy to  question what we believe to be true (Neptune square Saturn in Sagittarius); this  allows in new information (Uranus in Aries). We know we cannot keep

New Moon in Taurus

Please add your email to the mailing list (link on top right) if you want to be notified when there is a new post.    Today is the New Moon in Taurus, with Sun, Venus, and Moon all together and  connecting to a Grand Earth Trine. A Grand Trine is three earth signs with planets all in similar degrees connecting to and reinforcing each other. Trines represent an easy flow of energy, so we can feel supported by this lovely earth energy. Even though in pictures you often see the New Moon represented as a crescent Moon, if you look out in the sky you will not see that cresecent for a few days. When the Sun and Moon conjoin ('conjunctio', sacred marriage) the Moon is usually behind the Sun and thus not visible from down here in earth. The merging of these Yin and Yang energies creates a burst of creative force that we can harness through intention for the coming month. Taurus is a fixed feminine sign that links to the great earth mother and brings out our need for securi

May Day May 1st... Beltane

Hurray Hurray the First of May Outdoor frolicking starts today! Beltane (May Day) comes from the Celtic word meaning “fires of Bel.” It’s a reference to the Celtic sun deity, Belenus. Beltane, also spelled Beltine or Beltaine, gets its name as well from the Gaelic word "teine," meaning fire. The ancient Celts marked the coming summer with feasts and rituals that honored fertility and the beginning of open pasturing, such as driving cattle between two bonfires — a custom that was believed to magically shield the animals from disease before they were led into summer pastures. A sacred fire is lit to draw the suns rays down to warm the earth, and couples leap over the fire for fertility. The Sun is in fixed earth sign Taurus, part of a Grand Trine (planets in all three earth signs). This is stabilizing us, bringing some relief  in the midst of so much tension, change and upheaval, connecting us to mother earth. We honour her by celebrating al