New Moon in Taurus : Part Two

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 I wanted to add that this wonderful grounding  Taurus New Moon  is back-lit by some very dynamic and somewhat unsettling energies that are part of the ongoing restructuring and shaking down of the world as we know it (Pluto,Uranus/Saturn Neptune etc).  On Sunday the Moon moves into Aries and activates some of the more unsettled aspects, so enjoy your weekend but don't forget to batten down the hatches.

 A tree with strong roots is not so easily blown over.

The way ahead may not always be clear as the road keeps dipping and turning back on itself. To make it though the maze we will need to learn to tune into and trust our deepest instincts.

As we reflect and review on our thoughts and actions (Mercury and Mars retrograde)  is healthy to  question what we believe to be true (Neptune square Saturn in Sagittarius); this  allows in new information (Uranus in Aries). We know we cannot keep doing the same old things in the same old way.  Those who are clinging to old beliefs (Saturn in Sagittarius) will suffer the most as the very foundations we are standing on continue to crumble (Pluto Capricorn).

 It's truly is time for something completely different.

So much push-pull, go fast, slow down,  turn left, turn right  kind of thing (ahhhh),   and when we are feeling stressed and confused survival fears can take over.

 North of where I live in Western Canada, a dramatic  forest fire  is destroying a small city as it levels thousands of homes and livelihoods. Many have lost everything and are now homeless and on the road seeking shelter. There are many such challenging situations going on, from Syria to Ecuador, to nuclear meltdowns to food shortages etc. Easy to dismiss when it is far away, but when it lands on your doorstep it gets a bit REAL!

 What has been deeply touching is the support and generousity that tragedy  brings out of people. Human kindness (Sun Venus in Taurus) goes a long way toward surviving difficult times.  I am inspired by the  generousity, as I see people being in service in a practical way (Saturn). Neptune  (compassion) in Pisces (higher self)  magnified by  Jupiter (generousity) in Virgo (service).

Wherever you are are, and  whatever the circumstances, use this New Moon to  ground and nurture yourselves and others and to stay rooted in the midst of the storm.

And when those high winds and lightning flashes shake your foundations,  find the true sense of security that comes from a deep connection to the core of your being. Then, find your tribe, reach out to your community. Home is where the heart is.

One more thing: There is always creativity within the chaos;  those lightning flashes can light up a way not seen before, so keep alert  and watch for signs.

You know you want to ! 
