
Showing posts from April, 2020

New Moon in Taurus: Visioning a New Earth

Tonight at 10:25 pm EST/12;25 UT  ~ Sun and Moon join together to create a sacred seed time where we set intentions for the coming month. The New Moon at 4 degrees Taurus. begins the next energy cycle; Earth sign Taurus helps our intentions find root and grow, and Uranus in Taurus helps us step outside the box to vision new outcomes. The close proximity of the Sun and Moon to Uranus the Awakener, indicates some sort of powerful shift or turning point that will ripple out for months to come. It can come via endings, upsets or unexpected events, which we have had plenty of already. I wonder could be next!?   Look to see what 'house' the New Moon occurs in to see what specific area in your life could use a bit of a reset. ( see tab at top of webpage for 'houses'. Go to astro .com to make up your personal chart for free). Taurus is an earth sign that  speaks to our need for security, comfort and company. It feeds our appetite for good fo

Full Moon in LIbra: The Power of Love

If you want to get these updates by email the link is at top right of webpage. For short daily updates, like us on Facebook.   Hello out there. How’s everybody doing in the new, crazy, upside down world?  Welcome to the new normal! As usual, I am writing this right as the Full Moon is occurring. By the time I finish and post this it will be over - but its energy will ripple out for many days. This Super Full Moon in Libra is about The Transformative power of Love. It offers to help us find equanimity and balance in times of chaos and imbalance.  Venus  is its ruler. She tells us that Love is the answer. What does that mean and how do we find out? Turn within she says. Find the love inside of you. Then, once you have,  reach out to each other. If you look out in the sky right now you will see an extra bright star in the western sky - sitting roughly opposite (and over just a bit) from the Full Moon.  That is Venus. Lately, whenever I look up and see her twinkling