Full Moon in LIbra: The Power of Love

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 Hello out there. How’s everybody doing in the new, crazy, upside down world?  Welcome to the new normal!

As usual, I am writing this right as the Full Moon is occurring. By the time I finish and post this it will be over - but its energy will ripple out for many days. This Super Full Moon in Libra is about The Transformative power of Love. It offers to help us find equanimity and balance in times of chaos and imbalance.  Venus  is its ruler. She tells us that Love is the answer. What does that mean and how do we find out? Turn within she says. Find the love inside of you. Then, once you have,  reach out to each other.

If you look out in the sky right now you will see an extra bright star in the western sky - sitting roughly opposite (and over just a bit) from the Full Moon.  That is Venus. Lately, whenever I look up and see her twinkling so brightly in the night sky, I pray she shower us with so much love and light to help us through these times of fear, chaos and upheaval.

We call this a SuperMoon because it is closer to the earth than usual.  This means stronger tides and emotions that can carry us closer to our own heart. It’s called a Pink Full Moon in some places because Pink Ground Phlox are blooming now (except where I live it is still bloody snowing!! ) Pink is the colour associated with hearts and love and the feminine archetype – all perfectly suited to the Goddess of love.

 Libra is about Peace, Harmony, Love and Beauty; we are being called to find the best ~ in the midst of the worst. There are disruptions at hand (Mars Uranus) trying to rock our little  boat of equanimity - anger, irritation, impatience can rise up toward those we are close to.   I just took great (ego) satisfaction in telling off one of my sisters regarding a family issue, which I will most likely regret by tomorrow.

 That kind of thing can happen under a Full Moon,  when emotions that have been brewing under the surface over the last few days come to a peak- bringing our emotional undercurrents up to be expressed (for good or ill). Watch out for knee jerk reactions - let many things pass. (Oops! ) That said- sometimes things just have to come out. This Full Moon can bring unresolved issues up for culmination and release, catalyzing us forward one way or another. If you’ve been sitting on the fence about something, this can be a turning point. 

I don't have to tell you that relationships are under a great deal of pressure right now. Some of us are alone and isolated, others are stuck inside with family members, either of which can be positive or negative experiences, depending on how we deal with them, and what creative solutions we come up with. Saturn in Aquarius is asking us to step up - we are all in this together.  Ain’t it the truth! I am so inspired by the way people are reaching out and connecting - offering free concerts, opening up free online museums, helping people get groceries, cheering on support workers etc. I have also watched  some pretty hilarious videos, including this one created by an Irish family in lockdown.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”  

There will be struggles and challenges - as the Full Moon amplifies our need for love and acceptance, while also stirring up those resentful, rebellious antagonisms that have been simmering under the surface. We need to settle down a little - Make love not war!  The Libra  Full Moon will help us to find solutions through its gift of balance and harmony;  when you take a step back to find your equilibrium - solutions can appear and conflicts can be resolved. 

We will need to make peace with those big planets over in Capricorn that are dismantling the world as we know it, and find a way to use them to our best advantage. Even as the world turns upside down and inside out, there is method in the madness. The message for quite a while has been that we must let go of the old way of doing things, yet we were never going to do that without some sort of forced shift  were we? And it's not all doom and gloom;  there are heroes in the seaweed.... there is healing in the stars and planets.

I have been down and out with a bad virus  (most likely the virus - cant get tested) and unable to get groceries or go anywhere. One night,  at the beginning of this virus/fever -  I got stuck for a moment in a totally irrational ,primal survival type fear  -  coming from the deep recesses of my old reptilian brain (I figured that out later). It felt like lifetimes of trauma and survival kicked in at once,  and said  ‘No. Not this. Not again! I can’t do this!’ 

 At these moments we have a choice - focus on the fear,  or focus on the good- whatever that means to us. I’m not sure I was actually able to focus on the good at that time - but I did call it in. I prayed. And the next day help arrived.

Friends called to say hello, offer health support/advice or to shop etc - so many angels appearing out of the woodwork just when I was feeling vulnerable, scared and alone. These are some of the blessings hidden within the curse: the discovery that we are not alone, we are all in this together. We are discovering our humanity, and the love that binds us all together.   I  am sure we will discover many more gifts over time, as well as many more fears. We will have to face each one, but we are not alone. We will get through this. 
