New Moon in Taurus: Visioning a New Earth

Tonight at 10:25 pm EST/12;25 UT  ~ Sun and Moon join together to create a sacred seed time where we set intentions for the coming month. The New Moon at 4 degrees Taurus. begins the next energy cycle; Earth sign Taurus helps our intentions find root and grow, and Uranus in Taurus helps us step outside the box to vision new outcomes. The close proximity of the Sun and Moon to Uranus the Awakener, indicates some sort of powerful shift or turning point that will ripple out for months to come. It can come via endings, upsets or unexpected events, which we have had plenty of already. I wonder could be next!?

Look to see what 'house' the New Moon occurs in to see what specific area in your life could use a bit of a reset. (see tab at top of webpage for 'houses'. Go to astro .com to make up your personal chart for free).

Taurus is an earth sign that  speaks to our need for security, comfort and company. It feeds our appetite for good food and sensual delights, and the need to walk barefoot on the earth.

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread-and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness-
O, Wilderness were Paradise here now!

From Omar Khayyam

~ Edward Fitzgerald

The Taurus Bull is slow to get going, but an unstable force once awakened. This New Moon is also aligned with a cosmic vortex that marks the discovery degree of Chiron (Wounded Healer).  The birth-point of Chiron in Taurus is about the wounding, and the healing, of planet earth. And today just happens to be Earth Day. At this New Moon, we are being called to heal our relationship to mother earth. How is your relationship to her. Do you see the earth  as something to exploit,  or something to honour and respect?

This is a time of profound healing, which always starts by becoming aware of where we are injured. Chiron in Aries says that to heal the earth we must first heal ourself. Aries stands for our individuality, and the last New Moon was conjunct Chiron in Aries, setting the tone for healing our relationship to self. And here we are, in self isolation, staring at ourself in the mirror.Do you like what you see?

Chiron is called the “Rainbow Bridge”, because its orbit moves between Saturn, representing the outer edge of the physical (3D) realm,  and Uranus, the archetype that awakens us to our higher (5D) Self.  The Rainbow Bridge is about finding heaven (5th Dimension) on earth (3rd Dimension), self-actualizing to bring our highest vision into concrete manifestation.

“Chiron’s love for humanity moved him to take on the human condition him Self, complete with mortality and suffering.  In this way he was able to teach the Truth about well being and healing: that in order to be fully functional and whole, we must be completely willing to take on our physicality.”

All hands on deck!  No spiritual bypass can get us through this current challenges.We have to be here now, not there then! or when...

Today's New Moon in Taurus has even more impact due to its link with the outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto) that are hanging out in Capricorn, bringing  the current upheaval and angst into the healing Rainbow Bridge vortex.  This represents a potential blessing and intervention on behalf of our planet - it may catalyze more changes (help), that in the end it will be for our better good. (Don't you hate when you're told something painful is for your own good!!) Outer planets represent powerful impersonal archetypes that can operate as fate (outside events);  unless we are able to face and integrate them in your personal life, these energies can produce a lot of havoc. The current pandemic seems to be doing a good job! Saturn and Pluto = Fear/Death/Destruction and in the end = deep transformation. A lot is being asked of us at this time, we must remember that we signed up for this!

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

― C.G. Jung

These transformational energies are hard at work right now - trying to get us to pay attention. This is a wake up call on so many levels – necessary because we have been so asleep, and exciting because finally it is time!  As we continue to be 'shaken to awaken' we must each delve deep to find out what it is that we need to awaken to. The fact that both the New Moon and Earth Day occur this year on Rainbow Bridge  of healing in Taurus  (Mother Earth) gives us a hint.  

Happy Earth Day. Set your intention and vision it forward. 
May your heart be healed

May the Earth be Healed

May we all find our way home to a New Earth!
You know you want to!
