
Showing posts from August, 2012

Full Moon in Pisces

   It’s Full Moon time again again! .            This one is called a ‘Blue Moon’. Every now and then, there are two Full Moons in the same month. It is even more unusual because it’s the second one in 2012 . No blue colour though… the expression 'once in a blue moon' is used to refer to an event that occurs infrequently. Friday’s Full Moon in Pisces is also kind of special because the ruler of Virgo (Mercury) will be in Virgo and the ruler of Pisces (Neptune) will be in Pisces.   Each sign is amplified by its own ruler residing there. And they are opposite signs. So the strong polarity that already exists at a Full Moon will be even more so at this time. We will be pulled between the logical and mystical poles of our being. The Moon in intuitive Pisces stimulates our imagination and our dreams; Pisces wants to carry us across the mystic veils into a world beyond, activating the dee...

We are more than we know!

The visuals are cool, the background music a bit cheesy and  the talk of great value.

Leo New Moon: Shine Your Light

Tomorrow is a New Moon in Leo as the Sun and Moon join up in that magnificent sign. On this occasion we all get a chance to shine and dance on center stage! If you haven’t noticed, it’s been a bit of an intense week in the area of personal relationships due to Venus, planet of love moving opposite Pluto (the Destroyer!!) Power struggles and stand offs have been happening under this influence (I can vouch for that… yikes!)   If you have to deal with someone you have issues with, try to be extra diplomatic. Good listening skills help! There’s a stubborn factor created by Mars and Saturn conjunct (together) in Libra   (sign that rules relationships and partnerships) and they were also squared the Moon in Cancer over Monday and Tuesday.   Ouch! If you are nursing an emotional hangover, this New Moon will be the perfect remedy. Just be forewarned that Venus is still opposite Pluto, triggering some deep insecurities around love and power. P...