
Showing posts from May 1, 2012

Supermoon in Scorpio Part 2

 A friend posted some info on this Full Moon that was decidedly more ‘spiritual’ than what I had found myself writing. I have to chuckle, as being in a new relationship, the lusty side of May is definitely awakening that other more earthy side of me. The thing is, I have often sat on my spiritual perch looking down on all things earthy and preferring the more ephemeral and intuitive world of spirit. Suddenly I am having to confront my fears of the physical; of being caught in the lower chakras etc. Will it take me away from my inner connection? Will I lose myself in this wave of physical energy? For most of my life, I have related more to the renunciation of the life of a nun or monk, meditating in cloister or on mountain-top. Luckily, being mother to three children rather forced me to be here on the planet, yet one of the biggest challenges has continued to be to truly land fully here on earth. I realize now that I always wanted to be anywhere but here.   I understand

Super Full Moon in Scopio opposite Sun Jupiter in Taurus

Welcome to the Lusty Month of May! Tomorrow(Sat May 5th) at 11:35 EDT and 4:35 am next day GMT, the Moon becomes Full in the sultry, sexy sign of Scorpio. This is called a Supermoon because several elements make it especially powerful. The Moon gathers and collects the energy of each month, and releases it completely at the Full Moon. At the recent New Moon we had Saturn opposite the New Moon holding it back causing feeling of restriction combined with  Mercury/Uranus together in Aries stirring up the energy field big time. Talk about driving with the brakes on!!!!! All that and more is now released as this Super Full Moon shines down on us. Today’s  lusty Sun/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus, opposite the Full Moon in Scorpio also marks Beltane (often celebrated as May Day on May 1 st ) Beltane or May Day celebrations involve anything from leaping over fires lit to attract the Sun down to warm the earth, to dancing round the Maypole (a rather obvious phallic