
Showing posts from December, 2020

Full Moon in Cancer: Emotional Healing

      Today’s Full Moon is in the sensitive sign of Cancer. Childhood wounds stirred up earlier in the year are now ready to be faced and healed. This sign represents our emotional roots, our family and,  in particular, our mother.  It symbolizes the need for emotional integration, and brings up the urge to nurture and be nurtured.  Cancer  is a highly vulnerable sign, and a Full Moon in it's home rulership of Cancer will amplify and increase our emotions. A third factor (a square with Chiron)  is bringing our vulnerability up to the surface.  Chiron in Aries represent wounds to the self. Tears may flow.    Chiron, the Wounded Healer, brings the potential for deep transformational healing - as we face and acknowledgment previously concealed traumas that are coming to the surface. After such a difficult year, most of us are feeling rather raw, and many feel overwhelmed by fear, doubt and stress . This  Full Moon brings a promise of emotional renewal and healing that can transform
  Welcome to the Grand Conjunction/Winter Solstice of 2020... a  powerful ending to an absolutely unbelievable year!  Although things are still chaotic and challenging ~ for now ~ we can pause and celebrate.  The light is returning - days will start to lengthen, bringing the reminder that shifts and endings can also lead to new beginnings. On the evening of Dec. 21, the planets Jupiter and Saturn (sitting at 0 degrees Aquarius) will appear closer together than in almost 800 years, only a tenth of a degree apart.  What appears to be a great star will appear  in the night sky - they won’t be this close again until March 2080. Some say this was the bright star that shone in Bethlehem when a great master was born. What we do know is the last Saturn Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius happened in 1405. That was the year Columbus sailed the ocean blue, the printing press was invented, and the middle ages gave way to the Renaissance. Change was afoot! Society was progressing to a new stage

Eclipse Portal

We are now in the eclipse portal - the space between eclipses. As the Virgo Moon crosses over the mid-point between the Full Moon lunar eclipse on November 30th, and the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse on December 14th, things can feel surreal unfettered, un-grounded. The Moon opposite Neptune in dreamy Pisces creates  a Grand Cross pattern ; Moon and Neptune square the North and South Nodes of the Moon – the eclipse points, which are about our collective destiny unfolding. Neptune is mystical, non/linear, deeply spiritual and not-pin-down-able. It's effects can be  illusory, delusional, and escapist at worst, and deeply creative and inspirational at best. One part of us may want to escape the difficulties and numb out the pain, the other to create or meditate and connect to all that is.  I seem to vacillate between the two, though I know which one makes me feel better. We all get to choose.      In this  liminal space, this in-between,  we can take a momentary pause in momentum t