Full Moon in Cancer: Emotional Healing


 Today’s Full Moon is in the sensitive sign of Cancer. Childhood wounds stirred up earlier in the year are now ready to be faced and healed. This sign represents our emotional roots, our family and,  in particular, our mother.  It symbolizes the need for emotional integration, and brings up the urge to nurture and be nurtured.  Cancer  is a highly vulnerable sign, and a Full Moon in it's home rulership of Cancer will amplify and increase our emotions. A third factor (a square with Chiron)  is bringing our vulnerability up to the surface.  Chiron in Aries represent wounds to the self. Tears may flow.


 Chiron, the Wounded Healer, brings the potential for deep transformational healing - as we face and acknowledgment previously concealed traumas that are coming to the surface. After such a difficult year, most of us are feeling rather raw, and many feel overwhelmed by fear, doubt and stress. This  Full Moon brings a promise of emotional renewal and healing that can transform our sadness into joy as it ripples out over the next few days. It wants us to feel our 'feels' and make the effort to stay present with what arises. 
This is a good time to journal and express whats coming up for you. Any nurturing ritual - a herbal bath, a walk in the woods,  quiet time  sitting in silence... whatever makes you feel safe and surrounded by love that can help soothe the sensitive child that is peeking out from the depths. All of us carry hurts and disappointments that have been hidden under layers of armour that we built up to keep us feeling safe, only now that armour that once protected us now is rusty and old and is keeping us trapped and feeling separate. Let it all go. Let the soothing waters of this Cancerian Mamma Moon wash away your pain.
I did an exercise recently in a healing circle where we were told to visualize a safe place,  then 'see' a tree in that place,  and asked the tree for a blessing or gift. I saw a large oak with a large dark hollow ~ a playful raccoon was peeking out at me - reminding me to play and allow my innocence to come to the surface. I then  reached inside and pulled out my gift - a heart! I put it up to my chest ~  heart to heart ~ and it turned into a tiny new infant, so small and delicate and needing safety and love. I rocked her and sang to her and told her I will always be there for her. Tears did flow. This part of me has been long buried,  and over the past year I had the sense that I was in labour.  I have felt very vulnerable... my mother died earlier in the year and it seems I am now to be my own mother.  Self nurture is the beginning of self love... 

The Empress card in the Tarot represents the Great Mother archetype; she comes forward to remind us to take time to hold ourself gently. She is ruled by the Moon and in Cancer is especially potent. Call in your inner mother. Ask your inner child what they need.  Quiet listening is part of our healing.
Our emotional vulnerability can become our super power ~ it keeps us humble ~ activates our compassion for others ~  and brings us into alignment with our innermost soul.  Being sensitive is not weakness (that is part of an old story) ~ our sensitivity is actually the key to an inner world of treasures. Take a  moment~  to listen ~ breathe into it; lean into it. 
You know you want to! 
