
Showing posts from November, 2019

New Moon of Great Potential

If you want to get notifications of new blog posts leave your info top right of webpage. If you prefer shorter daily updates- 'like' AurumAstrology on Facebook (link further down on right) There was a New Moon in Sagittarius yesterday morning! New Moons are seed times where the Sun and Moon align to create new energy for the coming month. We are still in the  48 hour window for setting intentions; so this is an excellent time to reflect on 2019 and to think about what you want to manifest in 2020. If Sagittarius is your Sun sign or Ascendant - this may indicate that good luck and abundance are coming your way. This New Moon in Sagittarius provides a very beautiful and powerful window for manifesting abundance, with Venus Jupiter nearby having been recently conjunct the Galactic Core (see last post). Feelings of ease and grace have been flooding our consciousness and bringing a sense of hope where there may have been despair. I don't know about you, but I

Finding balance in crazy times!

Moon in Libra today seeks harmony and balance. That urge for peace is being challenged by the intense energy field operating in the background  that is bringing up all our ‘stuff’.   The next few days  could be rather fractious and volatile, as the Moon joins Mars opposite Uranus. We can lose our center more easily now in knee jerk reactions to challenging people or situations. All of this tension and pressure can cause body aches and headaches- helps to find an physical outlet like drumming/ dancing/sex. Louise Hay (You can Heal Your Life )  says the best cure for  migraine is an orgasm!  Mars will carry this volatility forward over the next week or so - and it’s wise right now to step back and remove yourself from confrontations if you cant find a positive outlet for the tension.  Mars Uranus is extremely volatile  and easily triggered. Moon in Scorpio (tomorrow) does not suffer fools gladly. How to rise above petty squabbles and ego battles? Take the high road! A daily mindfulness p

Full Moon Taurus: Feeding Body and Soul

If you want to get email notifications when there are new blog posts - please leave your info in link at at top right of webpage. For (much) shorter daily updates -  you can 'like' Aurumastrology on Facebook.  This is a long one! Today  as the Moon shines Full in earth sign Taurus we are called to rekindle our sacred connection to Mother Earth - Gaia - the Grandmothers - the Great Mother.  This Full Moon contains a powerful capacity for manifestation and a golden opportunity to create new ways of being in the world. There is a great awakening of the divine feminine energy, in both men and women.  The grandmothers know the phases of the moon and how the earth speaks through the elements.  They say we have forgotten the sacredness of the animal and plant kingdoms.  We are being called to honour the ancient pacts we made with the earth to be guardians and earth keepers. It is time for us to come back into balance. (from movie 'The Sixth Sun')   T