2014 is Here!!
2014 kicked off with a powerful New Moon in Capricorn. This is most auspicious, as a New Moon marks new beginnings, and in Capricorn, brings the power of manifestation and discipline to whatever projects we are starting the year with. A link to the grand cross formation makes it even more impressive, as that dynamic energy puts us all into fast forward motion. Capricorn is about ambition, mastery and manifestation. Its ruler is Saturn, the lord of time and karma, and of the material world. The karmic goal of Capricorn is to direct oneself with maturity and wisdom, and to structure oneself within society. We gain mastery by taking responsibility in our lives and focusing our energies toward concrete goals. As spiritual beings having a physical experience, it is through Capricorn that we assume full responsibility for what we create in the outer world. A New Moon here will help us focus our intentions and zoom in on what we want to bring forward into 201...