
Showing posts from October 1, 2014

Full Moon Eclipse in Aries: We are all in this Together!

"Today’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse has the potential to be a huge turning point for all of us.  Occurring at 2:50 am EDT, 7:50 am GMT etc… this powerful Full Moon eclipse sits at the Moon’s South Node, which represents the past. The Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aries, which in combination with the eclipse  represents a sudden break with the past.  Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love.    Venus is sitting with the Sun on the North Node on Libra.  This is a hint as to what we need to embrace now.  Eclipses signify endings and new beginnings, so something will be let go of now that will not return. Long term effects may ripple out over several months, but the seeds of change are being planted now.  This is an excellent time to release old grudges and festering resentments, as well as situations that are just not working. What is not useful for our growth will drop away now. Its  time to evolve beyond those limiting ideas we have about ourselves (I

What does'nt kill you.....

Some days it really does feels like the 'Grand Irrationality' is getting the better of us!! (astrological energies (septiles) in play at the moment).   The last New and Full Moons set off some serious craziness.  They both contained powerful links to both Neptune (the world of spirit, dissolving of reality) and Chiron (where we are wounded and healing ourselves) Both were in Virgo and I cannot tell you how may health crisis I have heard about in the last several weeks. These are all linked to unresolved emotional  stuff (Saturn in Scorpio) and not so easily resolved without doing some deep inner work. Facing our inner wound is probably the most uncomfortable and also the most profitable exercise we can do for ourself. Once we finally clean out  the toxic sludge blocking our wholeness we can move more freely and live more abundantly. There is a very strong focus on relationships with others as the catalyst for the all this inner growth. Nothing like a little conflict to