
Showing posts from February 1, 2010

A Blessing. Chiron Neptune Jupiter

Moving right along into 2010. Well it’s been a while. I hope to eventually have a regular weekly routine for writing this… but routine is not what’s happening in my life right now. Things are a bit topsy - turvy. Everything works in cycles in the universe…right now there's a cycle of shedding the old to make way for the new; personally and globally. A lot of upheaval happening. In other words: Saturn and Pluto squared. To recap briefly: right now Pluto is pushing hard against Saturn… and all things ruled by Saturn are under immense pressure (structures, systems, authority). Saturn’s tendency is to resist change…Pluto (the destroyer) keeps pushing. Hmmmm. Structures are tumbling, systems are breaking down. (see Dec 13th and 16th blog articles for more info) Luckily that isn’t the only thing happening in the sky. There are three other planets hanging out very close together (conjunct) that are bringing blessings and healing. They are Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron a