I don't have to tell you that these are crazy and unsettling times, right now due to Uranus
(the awakener) zapping us rather frequently with highly charged electrified energy field. This symbol of revolution and enlightenment can trigger emotional instability, erratic behaviour or frequent
mood swings. It can also set off sudden events/exchanges that shake us up to wake us up ~ resulting in profound shifts/aha moments/ emotional awakenings; they don't call it the higher mind for nothing. Nonetheless, its effects can be rather unsettling and traumatic, so we will need to keep our feet on the ground ~ even as we welcome new possibilities.
Collage image by Raven Art
Today's Mystical New Moon at 9 degrees Pisces
brings those in spades, as our imagination and visionary capacity are put on steroids by a right angle (square)
to Jupiter in Gemini ~ magnifying the effects on the Sun/Moon conjunction and bringing us into the field of dreams. Pisces is the least grounded sign in the zodiac ~ yet luckily Saturn is there too, providing a rudder to help us steer straight. Saturn is the planet of pragmatism, and in Pisces has been helping us to face our fears and ground our dreams in concrete action. At the same time, it may also be stirring up our fears and
anxieties; sometimes it can feel like we are drowning (metaphorically) as we swim through murky waters. Saturn can hopefully provide some clarity and clear boundaries, providing stability in these
chaotic times. Right now Saturn is asking us to walk our talk ~ as we build a
solid container for our dreams and imagination. (If you build it they will come).

Boundaries are absolutely critical at this time, with a number of planets in Pisces adding to feelings of chaos and unreality. Pisces drifty, floaty field of dreams can activate feelings of unreality as things feel less solid. It seems more challenging than usual to get clarity about anything. Lies, cheat and deceit add to the confusion, yet there is much that is wonderful about Pisces energy ~ it not only links us to to the infinite, it also activates massive creativity. (I’m mean, really, you could even consider lying a creative art

) Creativity does thrive on chaos however - as it requires an undefined canvas to put its colours onto. So it dissolves what was there before. As the last sign of the zodiac- Pisces symbolizes what we are letting go of (or must let go of) before we begin anew in Aries.
Yet those two fish swimming in opposite directions often get confused about where they are heading!
With Jupiter amplifying all of this ~ things feel especially wonky ~ much discernment will be required to make our way through the fog. Don't believe everything you hear or read (I assume you have figured this out by now lol) and basically ~ Question Everything! That is certainly a motto for the times. It almost seems that we are being asked to let go of the very foundation that we are standing on. This requires faith (Jupiter) and trust in the universe ~ as everything shifts around us to make way for something completely different.
Yet all is not lost. Jupiter's sense of joyful expansion fills us with optimism and a sense of play that can wash away those fears. We are being invited to tap into the quantum field; who knows what might manifest! Today’s New Moon opens the doorway to mystery and magic through Divine intelligence. Perfect time to set intentions. Make a wish. You know you want to.
Part Two:
The New Moon energy/synergy will ripple out for several days... plus there are more things going on (aren't there always?!)
Mars - the planet of energy and drive ~ started moving forward again after a few months of backward motion, and immediately ran into in tension with Chiron, called the Wounded Healer. Mars retrograde has the tendency to slow down our activities, even if it feels like everything around us is accelerating (a bit like driving with he brakes on). Chiron is the planet of healing and the acknowledgement of childhood trauma. Mars linking to Chiron brings up wounding around our ability to act/or get what we want, and suppressed anger could also be coming up for clearing. Mars is the god of war and he does not like being blocked or held up. Mars/Pluto recently has been brutal- and many are still recovering. So despite the tension and angst that goes with this aspect; we are called to tap into the Pisces field of kindness and compassion to hold space for those suffering, including our own self. Meanwhile, Mars is going to make up lost ground over the next weeks till sometime in April that we can move full steam ahead (you thought things were fast right now- just wait!) This is going to be a year of immense change.
And just as Mars turns direct, its counter point, Venus (love, receptivity) will be turning retrograde in Mars sign of Aries. This suggest that yet again our relationships are going to be the learning ground for some big lessons around communication, co-operation and diplomacy. As Mars moves forward, Venus moves backwards. Do se do ~ swing your partner two and fro! Where we stop nobody knows!
Tread carefully!

Mercury (communication) will also be going retrograde soon - and right now is part of the Pisces party hanging out near the Collective Destiny Point. This suggest how important communication is right now(when is it not?) as it links first with Saturn (boundaries) then Neptune (lack of boundaries). The square to Jupiter brings a tendency to exaggerate and big up on people- try not to be all knowing (wink/wink) People tend to fight for what they believe in ~ even if they’re wrong! There’s a lot of silliness out there. Listening skills go a long way to avoiding misunderstandings as Pisces blurs our minds and our communication.Try to feel your way through, while staying grounded (Saturn). The coming retrograde will give us a chance to rethink our words and perhaps regret the things we have blurted out under Jupiter's influence. So save yourself some time- don't blurt!
Saturn is our lessons and represents time, physical limitations, and karma (cause and effect) ~ what we learn as the result of our actions. As is the symbol of physical manifestation ~ it ultimately represents Mastery, Our karma and rigidity can enslave us if we are stuck in the lower manifestation of this material world. Do we master it or does it master us?
This energy is the opposite of Neptune/Pisces/ who are all about cosmic consciousness. In that ethereal realm time is an illusion ~ yet we need an awareness of time (Saturn) to function here on planet Earth. If we have become enslaved to either ~ Neptune on the North Node in Pisces reminds us that all of it is just part of the play. (and all of us the players)
"All the worlds a stage and men and women merely players"
Something is ending/dissolving right now as we sit on the brink of the new age. Over the next few months massive shifts will occur (and have already started) Whether for good or for ill remains to be seen, although ultimately it is all for our learning. Some think the world is ending, others see it as being reborn.
Pisces mediates the transition from the past to the future ~ and over the next six weeks or so, both Venus and Mercury will move back and forth between Aries and Pisces. More ending and new beginnings. This will occur in the midst of the Spring equinox ~ when the Sun aligns with the equator on the Aries point at 0 degrees Aries
Pisces dissolves what is solid and in so doing allows space for the new (Aries) to arrive. We are also shifting from the Piscean age (the past) to the Age of Aquarius (the future)
We can start today by using this highly creative, visionary New Moon to set a clear intention to follow our dreams and make them real. Just get clear first what is real and what is an illusion.
Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of the infinite.
(Course in Miracles)
“Everything you are looking for is already inside of you.”
Prem Rawat

All there is is NOW!
Speaking of now- the night skies are full of a parade of planets at the moment. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are all visible with clear skies (tho you’ll need a telescope for Uranus/Neptune) These seven planets can be seen in an arc across the night sky ~ an hour or so after sunset. They are not aligned in any astrological sense, so any projected meanings/memes are a bit of hype. Nonetheless ~ very cool to see. The planets are real. Look up!
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