Solar eclipse today: Part 2.

In a couple of hours the Sun in will be eclipsed by the Moon.  This eclipse will occur mostly over water in the Pacific Rim, which is on the other side of the world from where I live (and mostly over water).  

But it can be felt.


In my last post I focused more on personal relationship shifts ~ particularly as I know several people going through break ups or significant changes in their relationship dynamic.  I wanted to comeback on and expand a little bit to add that even if there are no significant outward changes, this eclipse points to a deep subconscious sea change in how we negotiate our personal space with others. 
Speaking up is critical and boundary setting is  key. It's so easy to fall into patterns in the way we relate to people and although most often those patterns are rooted in our childhood, they are also rooted in our chart. So if you have strong Libra for instance, or Venus in a close aspect to your Sun, Moon or Ascendant, you will fall into a more adaptive and 'other' oriented dynamic, bending over backward to accommodate whoever you are with. This could be co-workers or clients or neighbours or lovers. A fear of rejection (Venus is in Scorpio right now) can make us both overly wary and yet still overly accommodating, which often creates confusion. When we don't speak up and say what we really need - we give mixed messages. Perhaps as a child we never felt heard so we stopped trying. Now its time to heal that part so we can finally grow and up claim our personal sovereignty. 

This may not be a comfortable process as many of the planets involved in this configuration are not acting at their best. In traditional astrology they speak of planets in their 'fall' or 'detriment' etc which basically means they are weaker in some signs. So for example Mars, a warrior energy,  feels weak in Cancer, where it is very soft and caring. Although this can be lovely,  Mars might not feel as effective there.  Mars in Cancer (right now) will fight for their family (or fight with their family). Mars/Libra is too accommodating and loses some of its power for that reason .  Of course the whole chart must always be considered, so no one aspect is alone in its influence. This is about balance and integration.

The point is: with Mars adding big tensions to this eclipse ~ we have to tread carefully around changes and shifts occurring in our personal and family dynamics. Mars aggression could signal arguments and rows that result in some sort of separation,  and highlights the need for stronger boundary setting. Cancer is about family, but of course this all depends on where the eclipse lands in your chart. Perhaps for you its a pushy boss that you finally stand up to; some may suddenly quit a frustrating job etc. For some it will be a more internal process of realizing how you've been giving yourself away. Maybe you will just feel sad or triggered for no obvious reason.
We know that eclipses represent endings/new beginnings and a New Moon is a reset point. So it may be a pattern showing up that needs changing, or it could be someone who will be moving out of your life (or you out of theirs).
Either way ~ a change is gonna come. If we are codependent, its time  to examine our tendency to over focus on others and people please (Libra) and to focus more on personal agency and autonomy (Aries). If we are too 'me' centred (Mars/Aries) , perhaps we must learn to meet others somewhere in the middle.  Libra is also about balance and finding harmony, so be careful about a tendency right now to go to extremes.
The Moon signifies a more internal, emotional framework, so many of us will not have  an obvious external situation; just a niggling dissatisfaction with the status quo.  With the Sun (ego) eclipsed, shifts could be more unconscious and subtle (Moon) such as emotions and  old resentments (Mars) welling up  without us even knowing why. Our job is to self examine to get to the root of whatever is coming up; otherwise we may react unconsciously in ways that are self defeating.  Balance is key. 

A New Moon ~ Sun/Moon conjunction is a sacred marriage ~ the 'Conjunctio' ~  representing the joining of masculine (yang, outward going) and feminine (yin, inward looking) energies. With the Sun (Masc) eclipsed by the Moon (fem),  the focus is more on integrating our inward, intuitive side, with Mars  providing a somewhat softened but still more  yang influence in the background.  If you have a choice to make, listen to your gut instincts, your inner voice. Then ~ take action.

And ~ before you act ~ remember to pause. Breath. Feel. 
Focus on setting a clear intention ~  going forward for your highest good.
You know you want to ❤
