Solar Eclipse on Libra South Node: Lessons in letting go

Sun/Moon conjunction: Self-awareness and emotional healing

Eclipse /South Node in Libra: Emotional reset around our relationship patterns. Karmic closure.

Mercury conjunct eclipse: Communication is key

Mars square eclipse: Letting go of old resentments and anger

The Annular (ring of fire) Solar Eclipse (New Moon in Libra) occurs on Wed Oct 2nd at 2:49 pm EST.

Libra is a sign of balance and harmony. Mars at right angles - not so much! Endings that occur now may occur with some force. Venus (ruler of Libra and thus the eclipse) is in a beautiful fluid grand trine with both Mars and Saturn- mitigating the possible harsh effects of Mars. But Venus (ruler of Libra and thus this eclipse) is in Scorpio ~ a rather intense and somewhat challenging placement. Whatever is off balance in your life needs correcting.


 This eclipse (2:49 EST) is the last of a series of eclipses on the axis of Libra/Aries, with this New Moon eclipse  on the karmic release point (south node of Moon) in Libra. This is a time of rectification ~ a karmic reckoning in our personal relationships. If this is hitting your chart directly (8 ~12 degrees in Libra, Capricorn, Aries or Cancer) you may experience something or someone leaving your life for good. Libra is represented by the symbol of scales - which includes the scales of justice. It is said that "justice is blind" ~ ie karma's a bitch). Ultimately, we are seeking karmic closure.


This may be  a final curtain call, a completion of energies that began with the first eclipse in Libra 18 months ago. Aries/Libra is all about 'me vs we'. The North Node destiny point in Aries (me) has been urging us to step out of codependent dynamics (we) to claim your personal agency and autonomy. That may sound selfish, yet if something is no longer working ~ it may be time to walk away. The lesson is around not giving ourselves away.  Yet it is also about balance. Even as we claim our personal autonomy, we must be careful about too much self-centredness. Balance is key.

And as we experience  this final release of those old or dying notions of love ~ new perspectives will  arise, new ways of thinking and understandings that bring clarity around our past dynamics with others, and open the way to new ways of behaving. Perhaps there is no current loss or change occurring for you, as much as a change in how you think about people who were once important to you; a new perspective arrives when you let go of old attachments or old grudges. This may even be around  someone who has passed.

Or maybe you lost or split up with someone years ago and suddenly you find yourself reflecting back on that time and realizing something new that you couldn’t see before. Perhaps you are realizing it wasn’t what you thought it was (good or bad). Eclipses open up new pathways and ‘fork in the road’ moments, where we take a different path. This is about choice. Libras are famous for vacillation and issues around making clear choices. Both options often look equally compelling. If  you've been in a muddle about your connection to someone (or something) ~ this may help you gain just the clarity you need so you can see which way to go. 


The idea here is that there is always a shift with an eclipse along a particular theme - based on the sign and planets involved… that manifests uniquely for each person. In this case,  our concepts and communication around how we relate to others in general,  or in relation to particular others specifically ~ are in for a reset. For example: Have you been people pleasing to avoid conflict? (yes) Or the opposite: behaving like a temperamental teenager to stay in control?

"Be clear about your operating system..."

(Lee Harris/Guides) 

In Libra, Mercury revels in the beautiful and the good and loves the idea of love itself. This is the language of the romantic poets who praise the beloved and honour the opportunity to love.

"Love is my religion - I could die for it. A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness." John Keats

Yet Venus in Scorpio (ruler of eclipse) is not always so lofty ~ rather the more intense,  sexual expression of love that wants what it wants. At this time of release, Scorpio doesn't let go easily and can hold onto grudges and attachments for a very long time. Scorpio is often based on survival fears. Yet with both the New Moon and the South Node destiny point being about moving on,  this eclipse will insist we do so.

Mars at right angles to the Sun, Moon and Mercury amplifies aggression and anger as we struggle between the urge to hold on and the need to let go. Breakthroughs can and will occur, though it may not be entirely comfortable.  If you are feeling more reactive and angry than usual, choose your words wisely; everyone is more reactive right now. Rather than blame others, look within to see if there is something inside that you that is resisting change. An old part or pattern has obviously outlived its usefulness. Maybe it was not that obvious (till now) and maybe that makes you angry. Perhaps it feels unfair. Whatever is up ~ it’s time to face it, own it then let it go. I know, easier said than done. That's the work we have to do. There is support here ~ the grand trine (easy flow) between Venus, Saturn and Mars can help us navigate these tricky waters. And as far as the fear of letting go: trust yourself. Have faith that in the end, even if all you have is yourself, that is enough. YOU are enough.  

"I allow myself to feel everything. I allow myself to release everything. 

I allow myself to become who I am here to be."   (Lee Harris ~ channelling the Z's).



ps We can set intentions at a New Moon and they are even more powerful at an eclipse.

Do a ritual ~ write on paper: 

What am I letting go of?  What am I inviting in? 

Then light it on fire ~ or make it into a paper boat and float it down a river ~ or  post it to yourself.


Be good to yourself.  You know you want to :)

