Full Blood Moon

Today's Full Blood Moon, Hunters Moon  (Thurs Oct 17th) is bringing us powerful transformative energies that need to be handled carefully. Just a few days ago we had a Grand Cross, two Grand Trines, a Mystic Rectangle and two  Yods (finger of god).  Holy Schmoly! I know not everyone will know what those terms mean; essentially every majour astrological configuration has been activated this week! Today the Grand Cross (tension) remains as well as a Grand Trine (fluidity) ...pushing us toward breakthroughs and positive forward movement. Find your passion. Do it!

Full Moons bring to a head what has been building since the last New Moon, which in this case was also a Solar Eclipse. Eclipses mark ending, new beginnings, and now we are in the fallout and coming to terms with what has been lost - or found.  The planets right now describe a LOT of confrontation, conflict and tension ~ bordering on violence~ as well as equal options for resolution/transformation. Grace under fire. 

A sense of humour helps!

This is the final culmination of the eclipse cycle that has been occurring in Aries and Libra,  highlighting  powerful karmic shifts and  changes in our relationship dynamics that the Full Moon is bringing to a head. We may find ourselves in the midst of intense emotions, power struggles and conflicts, with an increasing need for clarity around our boundaries and priorities, helping us find the strength and willpower to act on what we truly stand for. As I wrote in the last post - lines are being drawn in the sand. On the world scene, violence/wars could either escalate, or unexpected resolutions suddenly found. It could go either way (hence the tension) with Libra hoping for peace and Ares wanting more war.

With the ongoing  focus on  interpersonal dynamics,  battles are often occurring on the home front (Mars in Cancer); those we are close to are usually our biggest mirrors and triggers. It's not always easy to step out of these patterns ... it will involve examining how  they work (or don't) and looking at unconscious patterns that we repeat over and over again.  The Collective Destiny Point  (north node of Moon) in Aries has been pushing us to claim our personal autonomy and step away from co-dependant relationship dynamics. Where do you give your power away to keep the peace (Libra)?  Or how do you bully others instead of owning your own stuff (Ares)?  The eclipses showed us what we need to walk away from ~  toxic relationships or ones that just aren't working ~ which begins by understanding our part in them.  It is  imperative at this time to get to the root of our problems ~ by examining the causes rather than getting caught up in knee jerk reactions. There is a strong need to build better boundaries so we are not full of anger and resentment. This will require a great deal of  self control as we  focus on integrating the discordant parts of the psyche that are coming to the surface. This is not just about the other person - it is about us! Where is your anger leaking out on others? Where do you lack clarity and boundaries? What is so buried that you have constant headaches?

I just did a Family Constellation Therapy workshop last weekend and much of these themes showed up. It's fascinating to see deeper  into the inherited family karma we are a part of. Tough to look at, yet also freeing. There is healing  ~ even in the midst of grieving what has occurred.

 This Full Moon is linking to both Eris and Chiron (two minor planets that are nonetheless powerful in our charts) Eris was the sister of Ares, the god of war — a fierce feminine warrior—known as the goddess of discord  "being willing to fight for her beliefs and to be unyielding in so doing' 
(Leslie Bension from Astrograph).  
There may be a price to pay in our interactions; Eris takes no prisoners. All of this is amping up the already tense polarity that exists on our planet right now. Libra,  known for diplomacy and very good at seeing both sides of a situation, prefers peace and harmony, and because of that, sometimes has poor boundaries and difficulty making clear choices. Self centred Ares is the opposite - charging off half cocked - always ready for a fight.

This Moon in Aries is ruled by warrior planet Mars - who is part of the grand cross tension - and  is moving through the family oriented sign of Cancer, indicating that many of the big conflicts  requiring  resolution are coming up in our family dynamics right now. There is also a strong indication that many of those conflicts are  rooted in the past; the Full Moon is also linked closely with Chiron in Aries ~ suggesting the root of the angst we are feeling may be rooted within our own self; old hurts and wounds  waiting to be healed.

Apparently the term Blood Moon (often used in connection to the red moon at an eclipse) is due to the Moon's position and angle to the earth at this time of year that give it a reddish hue. Given the link between blood and battles, I see it as another indication that we need to tread carefully.

 A grand cross formation is four points in a square - each point a planet (or two or three) - and all in great tension with each other. Likened to a diamond formed under intense heat and pressure ~ a grand cross has the potential of profound transformation - the coal becomes a diamond - something of great value. So if you are caught in a deep sense of frustration or tension ~ this could bring things to a boiling point and mark a turning - we a need to move beyond the individual stressors to see the bigger picture. Begin by holding the tension ~ find a still point within that enables you to carry that weight ~ until it is no longer so heavy.

To thine own self be true.

We will need to tread carefully as this highly compressed energy shows very aggressive, volatile dynamics (Mars, Pluto) which may feel especially raw and vulnerable(Sun/Chiron). Angry outbursts are often a defence mechanism that cover hidden wounds being triggered. We all have wounded parts ~ as well as various managers and protectors that try to keep us safe (IFS). Ask yourself ~ who is running the show?

The tendency now  to self soothe - unconsciously through addictions and avoidance - can be our self undoing. Instead, focus on conscious self care ~ through self awareness and somatic body work, EFT tapping, IFS, meditation, yoga etc ~ whatever helps you face and move this tension in a positive healthy way.  This is not about spiritual bypass. With Chiron pointing to some kind of pain or anguish that needs to be faced and healed, and the emphasis on Mars and Ares,  it is likely that unexpressed anger could  need a little exploring. Who are you angry at? Can you name an age it occurred? Can you talk to that part?  
 I hear you. I see you. I feel you. 
 It's extra important right now to process anger in a nondestructive way. That part has been trying to protect you for a very long time ~ maybe s/he needs a break. Or maybe s/he needs a voice.

"Nobody will protect you from your suffering. You can't cry it away or eat it away or starve it away or walk it away or punch it away or even therapy it away. It's just there, and you have to survive it. You have to endure it. You have to live through it and love it and move on and be better for it and run as far as you can in the direction of your best and happiest dreams across the bridge that was built by your own desire to heal." ~ Cheryl Strayed 
This is the 'work'.  There are so many therapeutic tools around these days.  Nonviolent communication is another  example has insights for understand how to communicate with both our own self and others in a compassionate manner. EFT Tapping is fantastic tool for shifting stuck stuff by  tapping on meridians as you vocalize whats bugging you. For example: "Even though I am so angry at _____ for saying that or doing that___ I deeply and completely forgive myself. Then tap on the key points- "I am so angry. I can't believe they said that... Its just like my father used to be, I am so triggered etc etc. Its quite powerful to give vice to emotions while moving the energy physically at the same time; very freeing and does actually shift things. There are  lots of you tube videos ~ my favourite is Sonya Sophia.
Or you could punch a punching bag or do martial arts or bang on a drum...whatever works!
 The point is that this Full Moon is bringing to a head very intense, volatile emotions that needs to move and shift. Yet it is also offering a doorway out of our stuckness ~ by propelling us into the eye of the storm. 
We may be mad at the world, or mad at our partner, or mad at our self.... (or a number of different options) and damn frustrated that things aren't going the way you want. Find a healthy outlet. This is a time to push through obstacles ~ very carefully. We can turn our anger into a super power - giving us strength to hold space for what needs to be healed. Just picture that diamond. Grace under pressure. Transformation from dark to light. Stay with it. Own your darkness (coal) and let it be transmuted into something beautiful, durable, of high value (diamond). Start today. 

You know you want to!
Happy Full Moon! 

Ps: There was a Yod formation 6 days ago  (finger of god) ~ between Venus (love, relationships), Chiron (wounded healer ) and Jupiter (growth, expansion and good luck). This again pointed to relationship patterns and channelled a lot of energy toward  healing our relationship wounds. In a YOD, there is a skinny triangle with two planets on each corner pointing at a third planet ~ in this case Venus is being pointed at by Chiron (wounded healer) and Jupiter (joy and expansion) Venus is in Scorpio  speaks to transformation through love and sexuality, or the revealing of long held secrets. Jupiter in Gemini is about growth through communication. And Chiron in Ares, as mentioned, is about wounds to the self and the healing of same. Even the midst of difficult challenges  ~ this provided an energy field that still ripples out in the background to bring us  forgiveness, compassion, wisdom and willingness to heal and find resolution. There is always hope.

