Finger of god

 The current astrology is following up from the two recent eclipses (see last posts) and contains not one but two unusual configurations call a Yod (Finger of god). A Yod points to a fated and oft repeated life lesson around the planets in focus.

A  Finger of God is a somewhat challenging aspect that is absolutely  necessary to resolve  (or it will constantly come back to haunt us)  yet also contains inherent healing within it. Right now there are TWO of them!Eek! A Yod seeks to clear away old structures and patterns to create space for the new energy coming in. It can feel like a tornado has hit your life - survival skills are required. And a lot of faith (Neptune).
(this tornado was named 'the finger of god')
 One of the current Yods focuses on Communication (Mercury) and the other focuses on love and relationships (Venus) ... and possibly finances.  The recent eclipses in Aries/Libra have been revealing  weak spots in our relationship dynamics, bringing them to a head and asking us to cut loose from old patterns around partnerships that no longer serve us. The planetary tension goes back ever further; its been a stressful time where we are being asked to grow up and take responsibility for the interpersonal dynamics in our life. This could be with partners, bosses, neighbours, family; whoever is pushing your buttons right now is your greatest teacher!
In this time of global awakening, we can no longer do the same old thing in the same old way. It has been a very tough ride for some, yet exciting for others, as we explore and rediscover what and who holds meaning for us ~ and who/what has out-served their purpose.
Mars - god of war - is very prominent right now- pushing us into more and more polarized dynamics and triggering many to draw lines in the sand. This aggressive war-like energy is making us all a little uptight and jittery (to say the least). Arguments, impatience and irritability are all trade marks of Mars energy.

Enter Venus (goddess of love and relating) as the focal point of one of the Yods ~ reminding us to love one another and move with more care and compassion in the world.
Venus/Neptune:Divine love, higher  Love poetry creativity. Also: illusion, delusion, disappointment
Venus/Jupiter: Expansion and good fortune in love. Wisdom. Financial benefits.
Can also be over doing it in love- compulsion/ obsession/addiction etc
Then - in the other Yod -  is the winged messenger , Mercurius.
Mercury, the planet of communication, is linked with Uranus (the awakener) and Neptune (illusion, delusions, unity consciousness (higher frequency).  With Venus in sexy, sultry Scorpio, this one could be about  'sex, lies and videotapes' (scandals anyone?)  or it can also signify breakthroughs in communication with loved ones (Venus/Uranus). It is also about loss ~ and letting go.
 All in all part of the wake up plan is to get us communicating and interrelating in a more conscious and awake fashion. No more gas-lighting, No more stone-walling. No more control dramas. No more persecutors. No more victims. I know that seems a tall order, but we have to start somewhere. This karmic, fated  influence  demands we shake off the shackles of codependency and step into a field of higher awareness ~ where we  are all winners. Of course it wont happen over night- yet there is enormous pressure right now to GET IT!

We must start by balancing the masculine and feminine energies inside of us (Mars/Venus). Polarity is part of attraction, yet too much polarity creates separation and distrust. How do we get back to centre? How do we balance out the extremes operating in the world and in our psyches? (I highly recommend the talks by Esther Perel on this topic) There's a saying that the masculine without the feminine is brutal, and the feminine without the masculine is weak. Working together in co operation and harmony ~ we can do anything.
No human being  is perfect enough to meet our deepest longings completely. They may seem to do so at first, amidst all the chemistry and projections, but after that honeymoon period slowly fades away, the real work begins, as we are faced with a mirror of all our rejected parts coming back at us every day.  There is so much written on this subject and many excellent podcasts exploring these themes around relationship. So much to learn.....
And then- there is the soul; an expansive, pure essence within each of us that is waiting to be discovered.  Awakened. Enjoyed! Hallelujah!  Venus/Neptune seeks a higher love. Divine love. Soul Love. Pure love.  Ultimately, the most profound love is to be found inside of us.
"What you seek is seeking you" Rumi 
That is where true satisfaction lies. We are being called to awaken to our true self - to what lies within... with our relationships a powerful catalyst in that process. Once we are connected to that inner soul self, everything else flows beautifully.

May you live in interesting times!
ps. This current dynamic may also indicate some weird and wonderful shifts in financial markets as well. 
 Green dotted lines show the Yods, and the red circles show the focal points of Mercury (with Sun nearby) and to the right, Venus
