Virgo New Moon: Purify Focus Organize


The Sun and Moon met up late Tuesday/early Wed (depending on where you live) in the sign of Virgo.   New Moons are reset buttons... we set a new intention and put it into motion.  You can't actually see a New Moon ~ but perhaps you felt it.  Virgo is a time of purification, organization, clarification, and there is a pressure now to get it together. The Moon Sun conjunction is opposite Saturn in Pisces, and square Jupiter in Gemini. That’s called a T square ~ where planets are opposite and they’re both at right angles to a third, and the effect is still rippling out.

Big shifts are occurring in the background, as Pluto moves back into Capricorn - and Uranus turns backward. Other planets are changing signs as well (Mars/Venus, Jupiter and Neptune early 2025 ) and we will soon be in eclipse season. When Pluto first entered Capricorn(authority systems, governments, structures) in 2008 we had a global financial crash. Since then there's been a scramble to consolidate power - even as it begins to crumble. The old world order is under threat and it will not go down without a fight.

“We’re at the crunch of another gear shift—Pluto returning to Capricorn, Uranus on the cusp of retrograde, and the last New Moon before the October eclipses. These cosmic curve-balls are internally hammering the pressure points of our lives, forging a transformation from which we’ll never return the same.”  Ang Stoic

This New Moon in Virgo is about clarification and focus.  That's always occurring at this time of year as the summer ends and people get back to school and jobs etc, with the T square configuration amplifying the need to get it together. T- squares are a pressurized tension ~ the trick in this case is balance it by focusing on the sign opposite of the pressure point (in this case Jupiter)  Jupiter in Gemini can overload us with an excessive amount of choices or information… so what’s going on our brains has felt overwhelming at times. The opposite sign is Sagittarius, which helps us see the bigger picture~ the forest for the trees.

Have you felt pulled in  a million directions over the last month? Mars with Jupiter was adding a rather frenetic and agitated energy - plus lots of arguments and confrontations. This  New Moon represents a shift ~ it’s time to settle down, focus in, get grounded.

For some, that may feel like just more limitations and obstructions (Saturn in Pisces can bring a melancholy mood), yet in general, this New Moon energy is going to help us get organized. Saturn in the sign of the fish is also a reality check... time to face the music.

The shifts represented by Pluto are another thing altogether, with Pluto (the destroyer) also in tension with Saturn (rules, restrictions, limitations). These two together marked the 'karmic reckoning' that began in January 2020. I don't have to remind you of what occurred at that time!

So the road may get bumpy in an altogether new way! New rules and restrictions may be on their  way ( sigh). Outer planets (Pluto, Uranus, Neptune) often mark generational/societal shifts - and if they are crossing key points in your own chart, you will feel them big time. These are big archetypes that mark the need for change and transformation. Awakenings usually follow in their path, yet are often accompanied by some sort of pain or stripping down to make way for the new energy that wants to come in.The coming eclipses (Oct) will tell us what is being released and what is approaching

And so it goes ~ as we go up and down on this merry-go-round of life!

                                         " we go round and round and round in the circle game..."

So buckle up folks,  the show has just begun! In times of awakening it is imperative to be grounded within our core. Feet on the earth, heart in heaven (ie turn within)


ps Solar flares are currently amping up the energy field as well ~ affecting sleep and our energy bodies as well as satellites and electronic devices. Some say this solar maximum  is  bringing us into a DNA upgrade. I don't really know that for certain  ~ but they sure feel amazing (if a bit unsettling)!

So set your intention for the highest good for all. You know you want to!

Extremely rare solar halo captured during recent sunrise... pic from The Space Academy
