Full Moon in Aquarius: Freedom vs Tyrany

Hello there. It's been a while ~  hard to keep up while travelling. I'm still posting short updates daily on the AurumAstrology Facebook page so please come visit me there.

And here we are at another Full Moon. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius 🎶🎶🎶

                                                              image by Catrin Welz-Stien

 Full Moon’s are the culmination of what has been building all month and mark a turning point in that regard. Today's Full Moon in Aquarius  is shaking us up yet again,  with Uranus (the awakener) calling us to tap into a higher frequency. Given the shocking quality of this energy ~ we can expect the unexpected~  it will be interesting to see what occurs both in the world and also in our own lives.  Of course, as always, it depends how it is hitting your own chart.

In general, this is a powerful time of concentrated change on planet earth, as we witness the dawn of the Aquarian age, with
Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius,  playing a majour role. This Full Moon can both shake us up and wake us up ~ it is pushing us to take the next step toward a complete overhaul in some area of our life (to see where this lands in your own birth chart - Astro theme is a great site for free charts)

The sign of Aquarius is a bit of a conundrum ~   it both represents the group/collective/society ~ yet also our distinct individuality. The coming age is about equality ~ people coming together as a collective that is made up of unique individuals. Uranus is the planet of freedom. To get there, we’ve got a lot of old programs to offload ~ starting with the  ‘us versus them’ mentality that is tearing the world apart.  A key theme of Aquarius is that we are all in this together. 

"Common people now~ smile on your brother ~everybody get together ~ try to love one another right now- right now...lalala  https://youtu.be/nBJYxPN8qIA?feature=shared

Uranus ~ modern ruler of Aquarius ~ represents radical changes that we are in the midst of that will usher in the New Age. Anyone can see that change is afoot, and many believe it is not for the good ~ as dark forces vie for control of the world. We definitely seem to be still in the shadow phase, yet these periodic blasts of light can help us to see in the dark.  This energy is characterized by synchronicity, unusual occurrences and unexpected events; as we tap into the higher mind our intuition is especially strong and can  both guide and unsettle us through  strange or random events.  Ultimately  Aquarius is about co-operation and community, and many are feeling  the urge to find their tribe.

Yet in the midst of that pull, things are increasingly polarized, and right now  a square angle (tension)  between Venus and Mars/ Jupiter  ~ indicates instability in financial and/or relationship dynamics. The ensuing tension will be yet another catalysts for growth and/or action, yet can trigger knee jerk reactions if we are not careful. We feel impelled to act or react ~ yet also unable to do so. This blocked and  bottled up energy (Saturn)  will eventually build up and blast out at someone or something, making us more likely to get caught up in conflicts and arguments. Mind the gap...

We are also entering  an exact Saturn/Jupiter square that marks the next phase of what began in 2020 ... their meeting back then marked the death of the old era/king (Saturn) and the birth of the new era/king (Jupiter). This spring Uranus and Jupiter joined together to blast us into the future, and now Saturn and Jupiter are pushing up against each other vying for dominance and prominence. Try to remember that this is 'all a play and we the players' ... as we move through this time of profound transformation here on planet earth.

Transitions can be hard ~  most of us don’t/won't change unless we’re forced to,  and it usually takes a crisis to shake us out of our old patterns. Yet it doesn’t have to always be so dramatic; there are angels in the woodwork and the cracks are where the light gets in (thanks Leonard). Perhaps we are merely learning to see with new eyes. 


As new realizations emerge out of the chaos,  and new insights show solutions to old problems, we begin to see anew. Is there something in your life that needs re-visioning?

Personally, I had a very odd, somewhat disjointed day, with computer glitches galore ~ an online reading delayed, mixed-up information (wrong birth year and uncertain birth time) Eek.  Yet it all worked out in the end with a fabulous exchange and a new person met, and now feeling deeply grateful to be sitting here watching the river flow.

"Go with the flow ~ or flow with the go” (Steve Judd) 

PS don’t forget it’s also Mercury retrograde. Expect the unexpected!

One last thing: Eris (minor planet) is linked to both the Sun (trine)  and Moon (sextile). Eris is a shit disturber and stirrer upper, the  'Feminine Warrior for Soul Intention'  (Henry Saltzer) otherwise known as the ~ Goddess of Discord. It was Eris who threw the apple of discord that began the Trojan war ~ all because she was not invited to the party (like the 13th fairy in Sleeping Beauty). Some see this as a warning to listen to and honour the feminine - dont leave her out-  include her in your life and your decisions ~ and she will fight fiercely on your side. Ignore her to your peril. (the feminine archetype (Moon) represents the more yin, intuitive, inner realm,  yet can be fierce when not given her due).
 Happy Full Moon!
