The effect of the Full Moon will ripple out for many days …during which the following will be applicable.

Today we had a Full Moon 🌕 in adventurous Sagittarius  opposite Sun Venus and Jupiter! (and then Uranus)

Expand your Joy 

Celebrate your Love 

Manifest your Magnificence! 

Expect the unexpected!


The current sky is full of light and love joyful blessings - with Sun Venus Jupiter Uranus in a lineup

that signify Love Beauty Joy and Awakening. This wonderful, radiant, expansive energy is showering us with so much harmony and goodwill. Perfect follow up to the amazing aurora borealis that the whole world witnessed last week and a continuation of high frequency blasts from the universe.


I heard years ago that we would be undergoing an energetic upgrade ~ that our DNA itself will be changing/transforming us as a species. I cannot verify that ~ although it sure feels like something powerful is occurring. 

Venus in conjunction with Jupiter can be hugely beneficial in terms of both money and love! Jupiter expands what it touches and Venus adds beauty and grace wherever it goes. Just remember that what goes up must come down. Use this wave of good luck to set the tone for the future ~ even after it fades. New energies have been pouring in since we entered the recent eclipse portal ~ a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction then powerful solar flares/amazing aurora, followed by  the Sun moving through Taurus and reigniting all of that once again. What a wild and wonderful few weeks its been. 

Yet it is easy to become destabilized by such a huge surge of energy... its not only satellites that can get short circuited by solar flares. Human beings are mostly water - which is a strong conductor. I experienced a powerful shift last week ~ after several weeks of feeling very scrambled- and then had a subsequent crash. Things are finally evening out a little ~  although its been rather intense to say the least. It's almost like going through some kind of worm hole and may take a while to adjust. Self care required. If your life feels a bit like some kind of crazy ride ~ it is probably due to all this intense movement up and down and all around on the (karmic) Wheel of Fortune.  

Round and round and round she goes... and where she stops nobody knows, nobody knows.

(Collage image by Raven Art)

Meanwhile, Venus (love) has just slipped over the border into Gemini ~ where she is being book-ended by the Sun and Jupiter on either side ~ with the Full Moon sitting opposite.Venus links to love and money. Uranus brings sudden change and surprises, Jupiter is expands whatever it touches. Venus/Uranus can bring changes in our relationships? New love? New people? New money? Unexpected encounters? Or the opposite ~ sudden shocks or losses. Generally Venus/Jupiter represents good fortune, though Uranus tends to work with extremes. Expect the unexpected! There are angels among us.


Sagittarius is full of higher knowledge and wisdom ~ it call us to the bigger picture ~ enables us to see the forest instead of the trees ~ and awakens us to seek the higher purpose of life. Or at the least ~ to find a grand adventure! At the exact moment of the Full Moon ~ its ruler Jupiter with Venus in Taurus , inviting us to a grand feast. You have permission to be totally indulgent. Fine food, fine wine etc.Chocolate cake. Yum. Yet the true indulgence is on another level ~ like during last week’s aurora - so much incredible beauty reminding us of our divinity. 

We are star dust we are golden. And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden’. 

 (I use that quote rather often ~  as a child of the 60’s  I like it a LOT)


This may also represent information downloads ~ we are expanding our knowledge on so many levels. Before you drift off to sleep - ask for messages or insights. If there are unresolved issues ~ ask for clarity. Ask for the bigger picture. This Full Moon energy field will help us become more receptive to the answers that already lie within us. As within ~ so without.


 And ~ as I said earlier, for every up there is also a down. Not a big down, cause nothing can trump Jupiter/Venus, yet Mars on the Collective Destiny Point can bring a challenge (literally) - as Mars is about war and aggression, and in conjunction to Chiron (Wounded Healer) it can bring up buried anger or just show us the horrors of war (as we have been seeing).  It also speaks to toxic masculinity and the wounds it has caused through patriarchal values that devalue the feminine.

With Mars on the Collective Destiny Point in Aries activating our warrior energy ~ things can speed up significantly. This can make us more impulsive and impatient ~ yet also can bestow great courage. There is a powerful urge to assert our independence or pioneer something new right now. Let's use this energy is a positive way. Be the knight in shining armour. Fight for the good. Be a warrior for peace.


                                                                (collage Image by Raven Art)

You know you want to!

 Happy Full Moon xo
