New Moon in Taurus today May 8 11:21 EST

This is the first New Moon since we emerged  from  the portal of two eclipses and the Jupiter Uranus conjunction.  Because eclipses turn everything upside down, they are not the best time to set clear intentions… making this, according to some, the first true New Moon of the spring season and the astrological new year.

Many things are in the process of ending and a lot of new energy is rushing in to fill their place. As we’re being reborn into a new era -  Pluto in Aquarius is showing the way, with Aquarius representing global consciousness).

All the planets are in a big line up from Aries to Taurus … and  as the Moon works its ways through the line up it will trigger each planet and activate it. It began with a focus on Aries and the Moon is now aligning with the Sun in Taurus… very close to the Jupiter Uranus alignment I wrote about last post. Aries is a planet of fiery action, while Taurus is slow and steady and grounds us to the earth. Aries is ruled by Mars, a masculine, Yang planet, while Taurus is ruled by Venus, a yin/feminine earth energy  (unless in relation to Libra where it is air). I wrote last time how eclipses in both signs suggest this is a time to integrate the two.


  With two very different energies both dominating, the key lies in balancing the energy to achieve and the energy to just be, without needing to achieve. 

 A New Moon is a reset ~ when new ideas, new intentions can get planeted in the fertile Taurian soil. On May 1-5 we celebrated May Day/Beltane, the celtic festival of fertility and fecindity that marks the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. How did that happen so fast lol?!

As Mercury winds up its retrograde journey it has passed through its

echo phase (back from where it started) and we might find our self revisiting or  reviewing one last time- whatever has occurred in the last few weeks. As the winged messenger/psycho pomp travels between the worlds - it returns to a final meet up with Chiron in Aries ~ offering an imortant key to healing our personal wound at this time. Chiron in Aries is about  wounds to self, and also the wounded masculine ie how we act in the world. The gift is around self actualization and self healing; we are hopefully gaining self awareness and integration as we revisit and reflect on the past. A lot of ancestral healing is in the air, and will continue for some time, as part of clearing the slate for a new way of being.  IT can feel like you have your feet in two world- one going forwards and one going back.

As Pluto (god of the underworld) has just turned retrograde, it tells us there are more steps to take before the changes can fully manifest. It sometimes feels like two steps forward ~ one step back, but have faith that things really are shifting and change is afoot ... and it is global, cultural, societal as well as personal change, growth and transformation. 

Interesting factoid: Turns out Pluto is retrograde nearly half of each year, mirroring the time that Persephone’s split between the worlds above and below ground. That is from the story where Pluto abducted Persephone and took her into the underground, while her mother Demeter, goddess of the grain, mourned, making it winter everywhere.

So while many factors are pushing us furiously forward (Mars in Aries, Jupiter/Uranus etc) a part of us will be making a deep dive. And because we are multifaceted beings, we can do both ~ as long as we allow time for inner work as it tends to be what we avoid. (They don't call it the shadow for nothing!)

This is a time to connect with our inner sense of power, and purpose and root ourselves into the earth and into our core ~ so that we can step forward with new purpose and meaning. Set your intention and make it so!

You know you want to.

Ps Taurus is about earthing. Planting. Seeding. Fertilizing. Growing.

It is also our creature comforts and our value systems - whatever is in your immediate environment that makes you feel safe and secure. To that end, Taurus  can signify both love and money(or love OF money)  and  the push pull i was describing may indicate some coming roller coaster rides in terms of our finances.  Or an earthquake or two. Having said that, I tend to shy away from specific predictions- believe I’ve heard them all - and in the end Astrology can describe the weather or the terrain, but not exactly where lightning will hit.

Take good care of yourself. Stay grounded. Stay safe, Stay real.

Onward and upward! 


