Full Moon in Scorpio: Purge~ Review ~ Renew

I am a bit behind on this blog so this starts with a quick catch up.  I am posting this aware that it could use some editing- will be back tomorrow to do so.

April is probably the most  powerful month of the 2024; whatever is happening now is setting the stage and planting the seeds for years to come. I have heard advanced astrologers say they have never seen this kind of astrology before. So buckle up and hang onto your seat! The Full Moon in Scorpio is beckoning you to go deep!

Catching up: Since I last wrote on here we've had two eclipses, Chiron (wounded healer) on the Collective Destiny Point, the Spring Equinox, a powerful conjunction of Jupiter (expansion/joy) and Uranus (awakening, sudden surprises),  and now today, a powerful Full Moon in the sign of Scorpio. There's a LOT of shifting and shaking going on! This is a powerful time of cleansing/healing to clear the way for new levels of manifestation and magic, and this  Scorpio Full Moon aims to shake off whatever is still holding us back.

Self care is important as we move through so many energies all at once. When I last wrote on here we were standing at the entrance to the eclipse portal,  with two powerful eclipses occurring in the signs of Aries and Libra. These two opposite signs  represent the existing tension between  our need for autonomy  and the equal need for relationship.
 Aries is the sign of self actualization ~ and  ruled by the god of War, while Libra opposite is the sign of relationship ruled by the goddess of Love. Talk about yin and yang! And we all have both inside of us. Mars and Venus are associated with masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) archetypes, and how we give and receive love. Aries is our instinctual  reactions - while Libra is more measured, with the need to weigh opposites and find the balance.
The last few years have been soooooo polarizing,  and we are being asked now to examine yin and yang, love and hate, self and other ~ in an effort to find some sort of healing and integration. Today's Scorpio Full Moon might shove a few more people over the edge lol.  Those old dysfunctional patterns that show up in our relationships are often rooted in inherited ancestral wounds - In a recent healing session- I saw myself with my mom and my grandmother -and behind them a long line of women going back even further in time. The ancestral lineage. When I asked them what they wanted- they said they were there to heal issues around not feeling valued, not feeling good enough. These  feelings of being 'less-than'  were the result of many centuries  of patriarchy rooted in the overvaluing of masculine strength and logic  over feminine sensitivity and  intuition etc.  I understand that I internalized those messages, and in the vision I made a vow to the grandmothers to change the story.
With Chiron in Aries I have been focused on  healing my relationship to the masculine and Aries need for autonomy, but it's not about one or the other. Both are flip sides of the same coin (us) Some  say even the terms masculine and feminine are based on an old paradigm, and I understand their point, yet yet I do see that most of nature is based on yin and yang, although with many shades of grey.  As we go about discovering our authentic self, we need to turn and face our own shadow.  Who told you that you weren't good enough? What part of you do yo not like? How have you internalized those messages? This is the time to face, forgive and release these old wounds so we can step more lightly and clearly into our own life..
According to Carl Jung, what we perceive as going on in the world,  is a reflection of our own unconsciousness. The first eclipse in Libra was looking at where we give our self away in relationships, where we betray our true feelings to please another etc. The work (Saturn) to be done ~ includes an honest self appraisal and fearless moral inventory (to quote 12 step); these patterns are often learned in childhood and may require some rotor-rooting to clear away. 
Then  on April 8th, the New Moon total solar eclipse in Aries (new beginnings)  opened the door to claim our true power and step into our authentic self.  With Pluto now in Aquarius - there is an extra focus on our relationship to the collective. How do you live in the world of 'other' yet  stay true to you? How to work together (Aquarius) without compromising our own authenticity. Not always an easy task.
 Time to claim the famous Aries drive and initiative and create your own best life.  Time to check and see who is the author of your life?  Was it your parents? Your culture? Your religion? Pluto in Aquarius will be shaking all that up, while Chiron in Aires asks "What do you want to actualize in your life?"  What is your vision going forward?  Do you even have one?

The Jupiter Uranus conjunction (April 21st and still happening) is an energy of awakening powerful enough to activate in us the ability to both tap into and manifest a higher vision.
 It takes courage to be true to yourself no mater what. How to step away from those old people pleasing patterns to stand up and speak up for our self. How or where did I acquire these wounds that stop me from being who I am meant to be?  Mercury  retrograde in Aries urges us to stop with the knee jerk reactions; take a step back to relax, reflect, re-organize, re-view, reset. Its a good time to question: What stops me from being truly me? Why/how do. conform?  If  I step away from the pack- (or from my friends) will  they still like/love me? Will I be ok if they don't? Covid sure showed us the power and pressure  of group-think. So many were vilified if they didn't  conform - and still are. Its like the Dr Seuss story - the 'Star Bellied Sneeches' ~ where in the end no one knew who was who (stars on or stars off),  so they decided to just all get along. Here it is here: https://youtu.be/PdLPe7XjdKc?feature=shared  The stars are an obvious reference to the yellow stars that jews were made to wear during  the Nazi regime, yet ironically, the shoe is now on the other foot as Gaza gets bombed out of existence. Oppressed becomes the oppressor, and in the end nobody wins.

 Seems we are all fallen angels,  trying to get back to the garden.

 North Node in Aries activates our inner  warrior - yet  Mars, ruler of Aries, is currently  in Pisces, where it is full of compassion.  Mars is also the co-ruler of Scorpio so this all fits together.  The healing of wounded masculine (Chiron in Aries) is about the  difference between empowerment (the new path) and power over (the old path).  I ove how the word courage includes the word 'cour' which means 'heart'.  We are being called to embody the noble warrior who moves through the world with compassion and empathy.  

As we seek right relationship with each other, and integrate  our masculine and feminine sides, it opens the door between self and other ~ with the eclipses ushering in a time of a more integrated self ~ based on  right relationship to self.  Today's  Full Moon in Scorpio (with Pluto)  reminds us that there is still deep work to do to face those hidden parts that continue to thrive on us vs them, separation and division. We will discover in the end, that the whole is greater than the parts; we are all in this together. 

If not us who? If not now, when?

And once we release the old way, the gates are being swung wide open for a new vision via Jupiter Uranus, who are bringing in the power of invention and exploration to create a new ways of doing things. It is time to break on through to the other side. These two planets are accelerating the 'field' at a quantum pace ~ bring the potential for new possibilities and inviting us  to plant the seeds for visioning a new earth. Of course it’s not going to happen overnight, yet every great vision has a moment of conception.
“If you build it, they will come”
We are being called to change the frequency and change the way we do planet earth; the old way is no longer working. And if we are to do so we need to be awake our self; this is a about both a personal awakening and a global one. As within - so without. It's so easy to complain... yet what can we do to change the story? On one hand, it is time to step away from the crowd to access our deep knowing (Scorpio) then  on the other, time to step up to the plate with something to offer  the greater good.

And even though there's a spirit of birthing/planting something new, in our hearts this is familiar, it is what we have wanted all along. 

 Plant those seeds of intention so they can germinate and blossom.
You know you want to.

