New Moon Pisces:Drifty dreamy, spaced out and steamy

Hold onto your astral projection, folks! The Pisces New Moon is here to send our imaginations into orbit. Have you been feeling like you're floating on cloud nine?  The Pisces New Moon today (Sunday March 10th) is setting our imaginations soaring and our dreams may seem more real than reality! If you are finding it hard to stay focused or keep your feet on the ground, you may be under the influence! (literally ~ as Neptune/Pisces is linked to alcohol/spirits).

This wave of fluidity continues the energy from yesterdays meetup between Mercury and Neptune,  increasing our  tendency to drift and dream. Who needs productivity when you can swim in the waters of imagination? Give that boring linear thinking a holiday and enjoy a magical journey! 

"For a couple of days, let your mind wander a bit. Tune in to the static between frequencies. Let your mind jump the tracks of earthly logic and swim in the waters of imagination.” (Sabian symbol )

By later tomorrow, Mercury (the mind) will have moved on to 0 degrees Aries adding initiative and fiery determination to motivate us to manifest our dreams.

This Aries point affects the whole collective and symbolizes a fresh start.
We are entering eclipse season ~ which will catapult us into a period of powerful shifts and changes. You could rightly say that there are always changes going on ~ yet this particular year we will see notably increased acceleration ~ which could at times feel overwhelming. Yet if we can harness our ability to vision forward, the seeds we plant at this New Moon have an almost magical capacity for manifestation. This really is a field of dreams.

“If you build it, they will come.”

Still,  while some are enjoying their daydreams,  others may be having nightmares, as old wounds from the past continue to haunt our psyches, all  thanks to  Chiron, the Wounded Healer, sitting right on the Collective Destiny Point. What it means is that  between now and the total Solar eclipse on April 8, vulnerabilities arising from our past will be coming to a peak. And as challenging as those feelings and memories can be, whatever is coming up may be key to healing and resolution; facing them can finally free us from the chains of inherited karmic patterns. This is the power of Chiron on the Moon's North Node. 

Of course it won't necessarily be easy; this journey of self healing requires courage and a lot of self-care if we are to safely cross the rubicon. If you are feeling especially vulnerable, do get some help and support - most essential when dealing with hidden trauma. There's a lot currently available in this regard, from Gabor Mate's work on trauma to EFT Tapping to IFS (internal Family Systems) to somatic body work to Family Constellation work. I've used all of these at one time of another to 'break on through to the other side'. SoulCollage© is one of my favourite tools where we make cards from found images and dialogue with them to give the parts that show up a voice. We all have many different fragments inside of us that have not had a way to speak and be heard, and it is very powerful healing to witness them and finally give them a voice. Many of the images I post on this page are collage cards I have made in the past. I really enjoy finding images to match current themes.

Life is really a big adventure. And just to make it more interesting, on top of the tricky Chiron stuff, Mars (warrior) and Uranus (awakener) are volatile and unstable and looking for a fight. It doesn’t help that they both are in such stubborn, inflexible signs (Aquarius/Taurus). So basically people are ungrounded and avoidant (Neptune, Pisces), extra vulnerable and defensive(Chiron) and highly reactive(Mars/Uranus)
Are we having fun yet?

Don't despair. There is always hope. The Sabian Symbol for Mars at 20 Aquarius, is
“A big white dove, a message bearer.”

We are not victims. We can choose to be conscious or unconscious. It will take work and a commitment to self re staying present with whatever we are feeling. Yet the healing process is so freeing; we get to open doors that have been locked and step into a new version and vision of ourselves. Remember, Pisces and Neptune are both associated with compassion and forgiveness. Deep down, it is often our own self that we blame. How about we release the blame, feel the feels; and learn to breathe through them and into our (true) self?
This is a New Moon ~ where we get to press the reset button and set new intentions for the coming month. Neptune increases our ability to imagine possibilities and a New Moon in Pisces can help us create a new vision of what is possible. And Mars is a warrior who can help us break through blockages and barriers; ironically  it is entirely possible that the biggest barrier we hold is toward our own self.  How about start to forgive yourself. Heal yourself. Be a warrior for peace! 

You know you want to.

All collage images copyright of Raven Art
