New Moon Sagitarius: Up Up and Away!

A New Moon as a chance to press the reset button. New moment ~ New choice

Sagittarius encourages us to expand ourself in some way - it's ruler Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and encourages to grow. This sign is associated with joyful adventures and hillarious hi jinks. It is through the sign of the archer that we broaden our perspective of life and learn more about the world; through travel, higher learning, and through philosophy, religion or spirituality. 

Sagittarius pushes us to pursue the great adventure as we head off into the great unknown.


Notice the repeated use of that g-word...  Ask a Sagittarius how they are and they will usually say ... GGGGGrrrrreat! 

This buoyancy is a welcome relief after the tension of the last  few months brought on my Mars - Mars with Pluto(volatility, war, power struggles), and Mars/Saturn ( driving with the breaks on) and Mars on the south Node Destiny Point squared Pluto (the day Hamas entered Israel)! Arghhhhh. Sun/Mars have been traveling together from Scorpio into Sagittarius  ~ helping us push through obstacles and fight the good fight (unfortunately not all fights are good ones). In Scorpio they were more about survival, seeing enemies everywhere; now in Sagittarius, they are beckoning us forward to new horizons. Luckily the widening gap between Mars and Sun will help cool down the volatility (somewhat), though Mars' proximity to this New Moon indicates many smouldering embers that could be fanned into a flame all too quickly.

Use it to fan the flames of enthusiasm and optimism,  rather than conflict. This is a time to think BIG!  Neptune (at right angles to Sun and Moon) can fuel our imagination and feed into our dreams; just be aware that this nebulous planet is also turning on the fog machine. We need to ground our dreams to make them turn into something tangible. This archer helps us take aim, bend the bow and send an arrow into the air.

New moment ~ New choice


 Let the grand archer lead you on a new adventure. Use Mars as a force to be reckoned with ~ the fiery planet can help us to tap into the passion that drives us forward. Be cautious, as it may be hard to reign in your wild horses right now now, while Neptune increases the odds of getting lost in some kind of quagmire or fantasy.

This is an inspired moment containing many possibilities ~ just don’t charge blindly into the foggy dew. Set clear intentions, take aim, and … bring a flashlight.


Ps I have written about this previously- good to know what is running in the background right now. 

Pluto (death, change, transformation) is at an exact right angle square right now to the Collective Destiny Points (nodes of Moon). When a planet is squared to these points, it signifies a ‘skipped step’ ~ something that needs to be faced and integrated before we as a collective can move forward. We are currently having to face our fears around power. Pluto is putting out an immense pressure for change right now and always starts by bringing up the collective shadow. Pluto in Capricorn is showing us the shadow side of governments and authority systems. 
It’s interesting that Pluto is  about to move into Aquarius, which also signifies the group or collective, as well as our unique contribution to it. We are going to see more shaking up the status quo, more need to form our own autonomous cultures, and with the nodes of the Moon in Aries/Libra ~ the focus will be increasingly on the autonomy, fierce independence and natural leadership that an Aries North Node stands for. Aries is also the god of war… 
Meanwhile, Pluto (god of the underworld ) brings up issues around power and control; power-over vs power-under, how we wield power or how we give it away.
Once again, lines are being drawn in the sand.

And tomorrow is the start of Mercury retrograde. Expectations will be thwarted! As always, we will need to focus and pay attention. This is a time for Presence (rather than presents). Ok we can have those too :)
