New Moon Scorpio: Shocking us awake!

 A quick message about today's New Moon in Scorpio/

The New Moon today, Monday, November 13  is packing quite a punch.  Scorpio is the sign of sex, death, and things that go bump in the night. This is the shadow realm and we are now in the darkening.  When survival fears get triggered, its a good time to hunker down and turn on a light on for comfort. Even in this time of electricity, we are still linked to old survival patterns. Symbolically, we can light a candle or a lantern to call in the light. 

Today  the Moon (emotions) joins the Sun (vitality) Mars (action, anger, aggression) … and  all are directly opposite Uranus the Awakener. Uranus acts like a lightning bolt; it has a habit of  upsetting the apple cart. It is also highly intuitive, bringing aha moments and insights throughout the day (and night)

Uranus opposite Mars brings extreme restlessness and even recklessness. Accidents often occur under a Mars/Uranus combo.  Pay attention. Stay present. Drive carefully. Uranus/Mars are also tangling with Saturn (authority, rules, restrictions) … which can dampen the impact!

This New Moon energy could help us break free of restricting situations, a day to break the rules and step outside boundaries. Yet it remains highly volatile, so please tread carefully.
Look before you leap!
Remember to set clear intentions. A New Moon is a reset point - what we put out now will ripple forward for many weeks.  Scorpio rules endings and new beginnings. Whatever is ready to be released, do it now!
More on the Scorpio  New Moon tomorrow. 

