Magic and mystery: Star of David


Just as we are emerging out of the powerful eclipse portal, today there is a powerful hexagram signature in the sky. 
As the Venus/Neptune opposition reaches its peak - Venus (goddess of love) sits at the apex of a very rare Star of David. The message: it is time to shift our patterns around LOVE in a profound way ~ to move out of fear, resistance and separation ... to recognize that we are all ONE!  
To discover that WE are the Love that we have been seeking. 

Astrology is all about frequency, energy patterns, sacred geometry, and it is fascinating to see how the cosmos reflects our human processes that play out here on planet earth. This exciting and rare Star of David  inspired me to explore the meaning of the hexagram, and that led me to the spinning hexagram pattern that exists on the North Pole of Saturn - considered “one of the biggest mysteries of the dynamics of Saturn.” (who knew!?)
What a fascinating universe we live in! 

“Nothing like this hexagon has ever been seen on any other world. The points of the hexagon rotate around its center at almost exactly the same rate Saturn rotates on its axis. Moreover, a jet stream air current, much like the ones seen on Earth, flows eastward at up to about 220 mph (360 km/h) on Saturn, on a path that appears to follow the hexagon's outline. Winds below the cloud level apparently help keep the shape of the hexagon sharp and control the rate at which the hexagon drifts.” 
Meaning of hexagram: The hexagram is a six-pointed star, which consists of two interwoven equilateral triangles. It represents the union of the polar forces, the triangle with the apex upwards being assigned to the male pole and the one with the apex downwards to the female pole. Thus this magical symbol represents the ‘union of above and below, spirit and matter, the visible and the invisible world.’
The hexagram is an important symbol in Alchemy. The triangle with the tip up represents Fire ~ and one with the tip down represents Water. Likewise, the points and the centre of the hexagram are assigned to the 7 alchemical metals, namely lead, tin, copper, silver, mercury, iron and gold.

In astrology, the prongs and centre of the hexagram symbolize seven ancient planets Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Sun (what was visible at that time) and the triangles of the hexagram symbolize the union of opposites (fire and water) – hence it is a symbol of the “mediator”. Each human being has both the masculine and the feminine aspect within him. The masculine aspect is associated with the self-consciousness, the sun, the active and the projecting, yang ~ the feminine aspect includes the subconscious, the moon, the passive and the accepting `Yin. 
Saturn represents the material world and the initiation inherent in incarnating on this planet ~ through which we encounter our lessons, restrictions, karma (cause and effect) to eventually (hopefully) arrive at Personal Mastery.

"The lessons of the Hermetic Academy teach, among other things, that one of our main tasks is to learn how to LOVE. Only those who open themselves to love can experience love. Through suffering, selfish tendencies are tempered and the person learns to express compassion and love. "
This Star of David hexagram invokes the great work of alchemy, namely the ‘Chymic Marriage’ - the "Fusion of the 5 Elements" is one of the most important practices of inner alchemy, which at its core is about transforming disharmonious emotions and finding the balance of opposites ~ of yin and yang. 
At the core of alchemy is the integration of opposites ~ through which we arrive at Unity Consciousness ~ which is LOVE. 
In other words, the very process of incarnation and materialization on planet earth (Saturn) is to discover/uncover the Mystery of Love (which contains all opposites). It seems very timely that  - in the midst of increasing war and strife on our planet ~ that today Venus, goddess of love~  sits at the apex of the Star of David ~ calling on Peace and Love to heal the earth.  And we cannot heal the world until we ourselves are healed. As within, so without.

One more thing:

See how the  hexagram lies within the Flower of Life... said to be the basic template for everything in existence; all geometric forms can be found within it, including sacred geometry shapes like the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube, and the Merkaba. 
The Flower of Life symbolizes creation and reminds us of the unity of everything: we’re all built from the same blueprint. 
"Let Light and Love and Power restore the plan on earth"

