Full Moon in Gemini Everything, Everywhere, All at once!


The Full Moon occurred early this morning and will ripple out for several days. Gemini is a sign of diversity, variety curiousity - it likes to know everything, everywhere, all at once (hence the title) (If you haven't seen the movie of that name, I highly recommend it; a bit weird and oh so profound. Well worth a watch)

If you look at the night sky, you’ll see that the Moon is still looking quite full. It reached its exact peak early this morning, bringing  our emotions to the surface through the polarity and opposition that occurs between our inner (Moon) and external reality (Sun opposite).
There's a sense of culmination at a Full Moon, not only of the energies that began with the most recent New Moon (see last post) but also from the seeds planted at the Moon in Gemini on June 18 of this year. The theme with Gemini is always around communication, information, and thought processes? What ideas or beliefs did you sow? What stories have you been speaking to yourself and others?
At this Full Moon we could see those intentions coming to fruition. Our thoughts are powerful~ consciously, or unconsciously, they create our world. What goes around comes around....
The caveat? A tense right angle to sulky Saturn can bring a tendency to doubt ourselves. We will need to trust that if we have watered and cared for our goals and intentions ~ they will grow. And if nothing is growing the way we had wanted, Saturn asks us to self examine. What have you planted and what are you growing? Mars square Saturn can feel like we are driving with the brakes on, yet it just might  provide the bloody-mindedness we need to push through obstacles
Despite the current challenges,  this Full Moon in Gemini offers promise. Mercury, the planet of communication and ruler of Gemini, is flowing beautifully with the Collective Destiny Point (sextile to north node). It is also linking to Venus (love) Saturn (lessons) and Neptune (confusion), so there is energy to dream (Neptune) plan (Saturn) and connect to others (Venus)

The North Node is the symbol of where we are going and what brings us satisfaction. It points to the direction that society is taking us at this time. When a planet links to the Nodes of the Moon, it activates that energy on a global scale. Keep an eye out for messages or information, some of them will let you know you you’re on the right track.
Gemini also brings an intense urge for social connection. Geminis are chatty and friendly, and if a little bit fickle, they make up for it in charm. Highly intelligent, Geminis thrive on puzzles and word games and love any kind of conversation. Sagittarius opposite tends to big up on people in its search for the bigger picture, while Gemini thrives on everyday details - like  lots of gossip (it’s the little things…) With Mars opposite the Full Moon, chatty Cathy's will be on overdrive. And so will anxiety.
Interesting factoid: 
“ High levels of anxiety seem to have a positive connection to verbal intelligence. Indeed, in 2015 academics from Ontario, Canada’s Lakehead University studied 44 volunteers and found that the cleverest participants worried more over past social situations.” (online source unknown )
 Saturn says go slow, stay low; and don't believe everything you hear; it can also bring out the Eeyore in some of us ~   "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to the garden to eat worms."
 The planet of lessons and limitations also tends to see the glass half empty ~ instead of half full. If you’re feeling lonely, reach out ~ ask for a hug. Moon in Gemini reminds us that we are all in this together.

Gemini is all about connections. Make some new ones today.

“One thing you should know, no matter where I go, we’ll always be together.” – 
Christopher Robin
Happy Full Moon!





