Full Moon eclipse in Taurus: "I am the Universe within and without."

We have left the light and lovely sign of Libra and are plunging into the deep dark waters of Scorpio.

It’s quite natural to be feeling vulnerable right now; there are deep and transformative energies coalescing as we enter the aura of the  Full Moon eclipse in Taurus. This is the last eclipse on the Scorpio/ Taurus axis ~ which is all about surviving vs thriving. We are already in a deep dive at this time of year ~ Samhain (pronounced Saw-en) on Oct 31st is the midpoint between the autumn equinox and the winter Solstice. Right now the Sun in Scorpio rules mystery, sexuality, and the deep transformation that takes us into the core of our being. This is the perfect time for an inner pilgrimage.


"I am the universe within and without."
(collage image by Raven Art)
The nodes of the Moon,  where the Moons orbit intersects the Earth and the Sun, are considered points of Fate/Collective Destiny Points.  This lunar eclipse will be 'partial' - as its a few degrees from the exact nodal axis which has now shifted into Aries/Libra. The eclipse chart contains several polarities (planets opposite each other) which can be, well, polarizing. Conflicts, standoffs, disruptions and oppositional points of view can be catalysts for change and growth if we can harness their energy consciously. We will be challenged.
Saturn is opposite Venus is a downer, party pooper, and suggests the possibility of monetary losses. Jupiter opposite Mars is arrigant as F***  ~ amping up action, aggression, desire. Some wont take no for an answer.  To top it off ~ Eris, the goddess of dischord ~ is now sitting exactly on the Collective Destiny Point (North Node of the Moon) in Aries (god of war) stirring up trouble. Are we having fun yet?  
All of this spells potential conflict and disruption, as well as the potential for majour breakthroughs.  There are always positives in any dynamic, if we can stay focused and present to the gifts it offers. This one is about courage.

 The biggest challenge right now is to stay awake when things get tough; to not check out or bail or look for distraction; plus avoid getting triggered.   Despite appearances ~ the universe is unfolding exactly as it should. 
So strap yourself in and hang on for the ride!

Mars (aggression and anger) ~ has been prominent in both eclipses. With Mars opposite Jupiter right now, there may be an overabundance of enthusiasm and an aggressive drive to achieve something. That’s great as long as we don’t overdo or to take unnecessary chances. Action that shifts into aggression can quickly become a problem if not handled well. Anger is not always easy to handle when it is so amped up. Take a deep breath ~ and find a healthy outlet. Martial arts anyone? Kung Fu?
With our emotions so edgy now,  The Four Agreements can help us keep our cool:


Just before the eclipse the  Moon passed over Chiron (wounded Healer) in Aries, bringing up wounds to the self, and activating old childhood trauma.  Something is ready to be faced and healed. If you can hold space for these tender parts, the Full Moon in Taurus offers the chance of renewal and rebirth.Yes, there may be a stripping down, yet that makes way for new growth to occur.  Taurus is about nurturing and self worth; it represents abundance, the great mother, the Earth. May she wrap you in her ample arms and nurture your soul as you reclaim those lost parts of yourself that are coming up for healing.

There are many versions of the Great Mother Goddess, I picked Pachamama because she an Earth Mother  and a fertility goddess who "presides over planting and harvesting, embodies the mountains, and causes earthquakes (which relates to  earth sign Taurus). She is also an ever-present and independent deity who has her own creative power to sustain life on this earth." (Wikepedia)
Eris goddess of dischord, is a strong presence as well and will be sure to shake things up.  I will come back with more on this aspect eclipse in a couple of days. Its late and Ive got a workshop tomorrow. Needless to say things are shaking and (hopefully) we are awaking. Relationships are bearing the brunt of a lot of the recent astrology~ whatever is leaving is making way for something better. Sometimes an ending is also a new beginning. Trust that in the end all will be well.

In the background, Neptune (Spirit) linked with Pluto (Transformer) and Uranus (Awakener)
are working to shift us to a higher frequency and awaken us from our sleep.  Another positive supporter is Venus trined Jupiter ~ a celebration of the feminine. Welcome the goddess. Open to her secret blessings that are pouring in from on high (which lies within). It is time to go of whatever you fear and step into the unknown.  There is comfort there.
"There is a secret place. A radiant sanctuary. As real as your own kitchen. More real than that. Constructed of the purest elements. Overflowing with the ten thousand beautiful things. Worlds within worlds. Forest, rivers. Velvet coverlets thrown over feather beds, fountains bubbling beneath a canopy of stars. Bountiful forests, universal libraries. A wine cellar offering an intoxication so sweet you will never be sober again. A clarity so complete you will never again forget.
"No one else controls access to this perfect place. Give yourself your own unconditional permission to go there. Absolve yourself of missing the mark again and again. Believe the incredible truth that the Beloved has chosen for his dwelling place the core of your own being because that is the single most beautiful place in all of creation. Waste no time. Enter the center of your soul."
St. Teresa de Avila
You know you want to!  💕

