Aries Full Moon to a New Moon eclipse in Libra: Prt 1

October is going to be a powerful month  ~ the energies are building- big shifts and changes are coming our way via eclipse season (mid October). The predominance of retrograde planets is slowly beginning to shift; things are speeding up as blockages and slow downs gradually move forward again. Yet there will be frustrations ... and the ability to compromise will be a required skill. 
We should be good at balancing extremes by now lol.
 September ended with a powerful Full Moon (last Friday) and a lot of sparks flying, and that energy will continue to ripple out into October. With so much fiery drive being activated, it is  imperative we keep our hearts open ~ and stay grounded,  and make sure you take time out for self-care.  
The Full Harvest Moon in Aries (Sept 29th) was ruled by Mars warrior energy ~ and with Chiron close by (the wounded healer) ~ there was, and is,  a need for  acknowledgment  and healing around concealed trauma, especially in relation to aggression, anger and our ability to act (Mars). This is deep work and is not accomplished in a day. Patience required (and Aries is not a patient sign).

Although the Aries Full Moon is behind us, the tension is being brought forward via a Mars/Pluto square this weekend ... tempers are on edge and the need for equanimity is stronger than ever. Mars/ Pluto can trigger violent rage; it can also help us blast through obstacles. This is  a tricky dynamic to navigate ~ we will need all our diplomacy skills to hand.
Libra is famous for its balancing act, always seeking peace and harmony, where Aries/Mars thrives on friction. Till now the weight was on the Libra side of the scales, thanks to a beautiful link between Venus with Neptune, Jupiter and Uranus helping us find higher ground. Saturn is now opposite Venus - with the tendency to harden our hearts if we are not careful; hold onto that higher vision and and be kind to yourself and to others (no matter how irritated you are). It takes great strength to face a challenge with out succumbing to our lower nature.
As our  kindness is be tested over the next few days - so will our drives; Mars/Pluto is stirring up passions as well as  frustrations. Step carefully. Use this powerful surge of energy for blasting through obstacles... just remember to remain focused and clear with heart open.
That doesn't mean being passive: Mars is about action and initiative. The Full Moon in Aries coincided with Michaelmas ~ the Festival of Courage. Very fitting for  the sign of the warrior - who pushes us to feel the fear and do it anyway.  This is a critical time to find your power in a constructive way, as  Mars/Pluto  activates the South Node/Destiny Point -  a release point.  We are being called to be brave and courageous, and to stand up for our self, yet do so consciously. That may mean letting go of old anger and learning to see another's point of view - a big challenge in these polarized time. 
So a bit of mixed message: Be strong, yet be kind,  Be good, yet fierce,   Act,  yet let any things pass. All in perfect alignment with the balancing act of Libra. The word 'temper' is fitting- we must temper our tempers - find middle ground - and learn to walk upright - in peace and wisdom.  
Use your warrior energy for the good! You know you want to :)

Brave and true I will be,
Each good deed will set me free.
Each kind word makes me strong.
I will fight for the right,
I will conquer the wrong!
I will conquer the wrong!
(Waldorf School verse for the Festival of Courage/Michaelmas)

More on the coming October eclipse in next post.
