What you bless, blesses you! New Moon in Gemini

 New Moon. New Moment. New choice (edited)

The recent New Moon in Gemini (June 17/18) had some unusual aspects that will ripple out all this month and beyond. Gemini rules the mind, is very mercurial, has many friends, many thoughts, many points of view, is chatty, social sometimes superficial. Geminis are extremely clever, intelligent versatile. Ruled by Mercury (Hermes, the Winged Messenger), they have the gift of gab.

This New Moon is highly sensitive, visionary and creative thanks to Neptune's influence. This will help us think outside the box as we set our  intentions for the coming month. 

When the Moon and Sun align at the New Moon, the sacred joining creates a new vibrational field,  a seed energy that will sprout and grow over the coming month - until the next New Moon. In this particular case, the energies are larger than the typical moon cycle, and will ripple out much longer. Neptune squaring the Sun Moon combo  propels us beyond linear time, you may experience some ‘slippage’  where ‘reality’ morphs a little (or a lot). Be extra careful around drugs and alcohol. Don't drink and drive.

This is very amorphous energy that is hitting my own chart quite strongly- feels like a perpetual Mercury retrograde! Still  catching up after endless computer issues; got it back from the shop and an automatic upgrade made everything suddenly super, super small. Tiny (as in unworkable). Rather funny, though also frustrating. So back to the shop it went (more cost ) and now finally  back online (doing this blog on a small iPhone just doesn’t work). Turns out the dear folks at apple inc  insert internal sabotages so you have to buy a new computer to be able to upgrade (mine is relatively old). Built in obsolesce. Luckily my computer dude knew how to get around that. Sigh ... and yay!

Anyway, all fits with the reality warping nature of Neptune. Plus this Gemini New Moon occurred opposite the Galactic Center in Sagittarius  - meaning powerful galactic forces are at work (google galactic centre). Astrologer Tom Lescher says “ this opens up a wormhole in our minds, allowing us to access new information and reach a higher level.”

Neptune blurs reality and sends us down many rabbit holes, so set your intention with clarity! There is a tendency now for things to go sideways via lies, half truths, illusions, delusions (what we wish was true vs what is really going on). We need to balance it with clarity, concreteness, specificity (Saturn).

 In other words, keeping it real!

That said, a little drifting and dreaming can do us good, although this  non-linear energy will be challenging if you like to remain in control. So on one hand we are encouraged to focus and pay attention (Saturn), and on the other hand, let go and go with the flow ((Neptune). It's getting the balance right that is the trick.  This is all part of the spiritual emergence (emergency?) that has us stepping beyond our egos and surrendering to some sort of higher power. Sometimes all you can do is just trust that everything will be ok.

With the Nodal axis (destiny points)  being triggered by Pluto - the destroyer - we are tapping into something bigger, more powerful, potentially life changing. With Pluto, it can be too easy to get stuck in survival fears  or control dramas. Yet we are not here to just eat, work, sleep etc; there’s way more waiting to be revealed. Unfortunately, we often don't (or won't) shift until forced or pushed (off the edge - or ledge!). Not saying something drastic has to occur,  although some would say it already IS ... wars, pandemics, financial crises, political intrigues etc. Everything so highly polarized.  Neptune wants to just float away, yet we need to keep our eyes wide open.  

Uranus (the Awakener) carries a lightning bolt; when it crossed the Collective Destiny Point earlier this year it set a tone of accelerated, and potentially radical shifts in consciousness.  We can no longer do the same old things in the same old way and expect a different outcome. This isn’t rocket science ~ we’ve been in this for a while now (are we there yet?).  Pluto and Uranus have been linked to major societal shifts through history/herstory; if your interested in that sort of thing check out the book ‘Cosmos and Psyche’ by Richard Tarnas. The current cycle of awakening began in the 60’s and phase two began in 2012. 

 Much as the world seems to be in a tail spin, and  our collective ‘reality’  is unraveling to some degree, this may be necessary  to make way for the new energy to emerge. Pluto removes the past, Uranus brings in the future, and Saturn forces us to stay in the present! As Pluto and Uranus strip us down to make  way for new growth,  it can be exciting, and even fun, as long as we remain fluid. Learn to ride the wave, rather than drown in it (innit).

 This awakening of planet earth is a long term (long awaited) project. It won’t happen overnight, yet every stage in the development is critical.  That is the significance of the Collective Destiny Points ~ they  represent where society is heading at any given time. With both Uranus and the  North Node both in Taurus ~ we are ushering in a New Earth cycle ~ a new way of being on this beautiful planet. There may be crisis before we fully step into that. We need to take better care of our home.  In terms of this New Moon energy, when the seed is planted, a whole new process is set in play. First the seed splits open, tendrils emerge, earth is pushed aside to make room for growth. All this takes place underground, in darkness. Interesting that one part(the root) reaches downward, while the other reaches up toward the light. This New Moon is focused on that reaching upward, yet we need to stay grounded to stabilize the process.

This vibrational tone contains a very creative energy field, with a focus on communication and connection. Our thoughts and words have power. Both Sun/Moon in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces are slick operators… and a square angle can make them potential liars,  with a gift of gab that can bend the truth, beguiling you with charm and flattery. Sometimes we want to believe the fantasy,  rather than face reality.

 “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies” (Fleetwood Mac)


Yet as much as Neptune can bring illusion and  delusions, at its highest manifestation it represents unity consciousness and spiritual bliss; a portal open to other worlds that allows us to connect with frequencies we usually cannot hear.  This can feed our soul on so many levels. Yet escapism is very enticing, especially when we are overwhelmed and just want to get out from under  the pressure.  

Choose to choose, or choose not to choose, we choose all the same.

 Robert Wilkinson, of Aquarius Papers, has been writing about what he calls the ‘Grand Irrationality” for many years now. It's driven by a “7 Pointed Star of Destiny” (septile) that promises major fork in the road moments and important life changes.

On the very same day, Saturn came into focus as it turned retrograde at 7 degrees Pisces - in an exact and easy flow (trine) with the Moon's Nodes (destiny points). This offers a feeling of support and stability, even in the midst of so much uncertainty.
Saturn’s influence reminds us to stay focused, grounded, and provides the discipline we need to 'stay the course'. Even if  a bit restrictive at times, Saturn will help us navigate this strange energy warp. 

“Saturn, the celestial taskmaster and the planet of structure, discipline, and karmic lessons, embarks on its retrograde journey, inviting us to reflect, reassess, and realign our lives with the greater cosmic order. “ (AI Chat GPT)

Meanwhile, with our imagination on steroids and the Sun and Moon in ever so chatty Gemini,  great conversations can be had, and deep healing may occur via social gatherings. We humans need connection. Saturn's recent tension with Mercury  blocked communication  - if you've been feeling a bit lonely or isolated, and words have been tense or not there at all, this New Moon will open the floodgates.  Gemini likes to connect with everything and every one.  An alignment with my own Venus in Gemini had me out and about on a magical day of lovely connections and serendipitous meetings (just what the doctor ordered). When you are in flow, wonderful surprises occur. 

 Overall, New Moons are an excellent time for setting intentions. What we focus on grows.

I’ve just been listening to channel,  Paul Sellig - a lovely and down to earth guy who brings through some simple yet profound truths. He (or his guides through him) were  saying that we are all creating our reality through the 'tone' we put out into the world. This New Moon does contain a lyrical, almost musical feel to it, and they are suggesting that the music we make, whether  harmonious or discordant, has a ripple effect out in the world.  The warning is to be careful about what labels and judgments (Saturn/Mercury) we put onto others, as the harmony or disharmony we create can have along term effect.

   He calls it "Vibrational Accord." As within, so without. 
"What you damn, and who you damn, damns you back.” And equally...   “What you bless, blesses you.”

May you be blessed ~ and may your intentions blossom into real fruit.

Blessed be.
