Full Moon: I am Leo - hear me roar!

Today's Full Moon occurs in the glorious sign of Leo  the lion - symbol of personal sovereignty. Leo's ruler the Sun is the center of our solar system after all. I am Leo - hear me roar! 

There's an exciting zeitgeist to this Full Moon; an invitation to shine all our colours and discover our personal spark and pizzaz!  We are invited to find our unique voice and  join together in a collective expression of our  humanity (Sun in Aquarius).   Venus in its happy, hippie place in Pisces bathes us in beautiful harmonies, inspiring art and poetry and sweet meditations on our shared connection to the universe.  An underlying tension with Mars (squared Venus) can help fuel our creativity and  add the sparks needed for full ignition.  Let's all go howl at the Moon! 

Speaking of sweet harmonies, David Crosby's recent passing brings up memories of my youth, and reflections on endings/new begiinings. One door closes, another one opens (in my memory)

The New Moon  two weeks ago in Aquarius planted seeds of change that are now beginning to gain momentum. The rather slow start to the year is  morphing into a period of accelerated movement; after several months of retrogrades, all planets are now moving forward, and by March things will shift even more as both Pluto and Saturn  change signs.  The heaviness of the past few years (Saturn Pluto) will begin to morph into something completely new and different - bringing on the next stage of our karmic awakening.


Right now, the Leo Full Moon  is  arriving with a lightning strike to illuminate and reveal what has been hidden in the dark. There may be unexpected news or sudden changes, interactions and events, including  flashes of insight and aha moments - thanks to  Uranus, the awakener being in a t-square with Sun and Moon.  This high frequency can make us  restless, sleepless, impatient or anxious.  Change feels immanent, yet uncertain.  As Uranus is in earth sign Taurus, there could be earthquakes, financial surprises (Taurus also rules money); with the quickening rippling out for the whole year. Time for more shaking up and waking up! (don't forget - we signed up for this- we came for these times...)

The higher frequency of Uranus also represents the higher mind - allowing shifts in perspective and  new awareness around old issues (look to where it sits in your chart at Astro.com) as we start to see the way forward from where we've been feeling blocked.  This maverick, rebel and freedom fighter is pushing us to break the rules as well as break out of  old ruts.  All of this heralds sudden shifts that open the way for new energy to come in; The square to Sun in Aquarius suggests some sort of unexpected events in the collective, and to Moon in Leo is more personal change. We could even see someone in a ruling position (Leo) going through some sort of majour shake up. What goes up - must come down!



Everything continues to be topsy-turvy. No one told us what happened after the cow jumped over the moon - well -  beside the dish running away with the spoon. But what about that moo landing?!

They say it is always darkest before the dawn. Pluto in Capricorn has brought out the shadow side of governments and top down power systems; when Saturn (karma) and Pluto (power) met in Capricorn at the beginning of 2020 - a massive karmic reckoning began, starting with the global pandemic. Nothing will ever go back to 'normal'.  Mercury (the messenger) is currently meeting with Pluto very close to that same degree - bringing up old ripples and possibly new information around the control dramas taking place on planet earth. There is way too much war talk (Mercury Pluto) in the air... some of it rather frightening. Pluto also rules nuclear threat.

But its not all bad news. I'm backtracking just a bit here as I haven't posted in a while.... but don't worry I'll get back to this glorious Full Moon in a moment. I just wanted to add that Neptune has brought so much obfuscation and lies - its almost impossible now to discern fact from fiction with so many agendas taking over what used to be a free press (perhaps even that was an illusion). Saturn moving soon into Pisces (Neptune rules here)  is going to bring a pronounced reality check, and with Uranus influencing the whole year, this truly looks like another majour wake up call, though of a different nature. 

First the breakdown - then the breakthrough

When Pluto is finished revealing the dark side of power systems in Capricorn, it will shift its focus to  society (Aquarius).  Eek. As it moves through the last degree  (called a critical degree), current power grabs are going to come to some sort of critical mass, and show that in the end -   no one wins a war - everybody loses. Lets hope they will figure that out sooner rather than later.

Which brings me back to this radiant moment.  Leo rules the heart, and is ruled by the Sun. The Full Moon in Leo heralds a time to open your heart and shine your light into the world. Bring some light into the darkness. Feb 2nd was the day of Imbolc/Candlemass, the half way point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, a turning point and a time of hope. Even if its still feels rather dark and cold, every candle lit brings a little light and warmth.


This Leo Full Moon is reminding us to to be our best self.  Have courage.  Cour =  heart'.  Have heart. Be of good cheer.  Everything comes down to vibration/frequency, and the frequency is changing. And contrary to appearances - it IS rising.  Join the rising tide. Be the frequency of love. Be the  change. 

 You know you want to!


Happy Full Moon!


