Winter Solstice

 Happy Solstice! 

Today, the Sun sits at its lowest point in the sky ... and will hover in that spot for four days. On December 25th it will then begin to slowly shift upward again. This holy event is a time to pause, pray and prepare for the Return of the Light. Sitting in the dark awaiting the return of light within and without. Aligning with the sacred lines of the Universe. Breathe fully. Sit silently. Feel deeply. The out-breath begins in a few days. Till then ~ savoring this sacred point in time.

Key points/themes:

December 21: Sun enters Capricorn at 04.00pm GMT Winter Solstice in Northern Hemisphere; Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere); 

Venus Retrograde conjunct Pluto. Venus is retrograde all month and conjoined with Pluto from December 21st to 30th, and on the 29th,  with Mercury. Lots of thinking (Mercury) and reflecting on how we exchange energy with others i.e. relationships and money (Venus). Some sort of deep transformation around old patterns we carry in our subconscious around giving and receiving love ~ with a focus on our sense of feeling worthy of being loved. Past relationships may reappear or  show up in our thoughts and dreams  for review and reflection, and  old relationship wounds come up to be healed and released. This may involve facing and feeling some emotional stuff we had shoved down up till now... it may get a bit squirmy (Pluto's impact is rarely comfortable) yet it promises to cleanse us of old hurts and bring us to a new place of understanding and peace.

This aspect also has the potential of triggering financial challenges (Venus retrograde in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn ) with sudden changes or surprises (Uranus ) around  money (Taurus); it seems advisable to be careful in our financial dealings. I keep hearing people say we need to diversify, don't put all your eggs in one basket etc. I'm pretty clueless about money matters, so you might wanna do a little research on that.

A challenging angle to Neptune at both the recent Full Moon and today's Solstice adds to the need for caution... as it continues the  blurring of reality that has been causing so much social tension and distortion as we try to figure out what is true and what is false.  Under Neptune's influence nothing is what it seems.  This fog of confusion can  make us more susceptible to misinformation, or set us up for romantic disappointments and  fantasies lead us astray. Buyer beware. So big warnings around both personal relationships and money, with the admonition to remain extra conscious, awake and aware at this time. The gift of dissatisfaction brought on by Neptune can lead to much personal and spiritual growth, as it tweaks our longing for something more. Something better can emerge out of  despair and dissolution, and  if we tune into our deeper longing, Spirit will be there to guide us.

The good news: Jupiter, the planet of expansion, joy and good luck is about to move into Pisces, where it will meet up with Neptune  later in 2022. This will trigger a wonderful wave of benediction,  grace and redemption ... accompanied by massively creative energies; this is the rainbow after the storm!



Yet for the less conscious and aware, the possible negative effects of Neptune in Pisces can become magnified by Jupiter... causing more confusion, more  denials, more unreality. Watch your step, choose your path wisely.  (Note: I will go deeper into this important Neptunian theme more thouroughly next time I have a chance to write, as it is so significant for the coming year).

We still have the Saturn/Uranus square ( Aquarius/Taurus ) that has been challenging our social and behavioral patterns all year -  exact on Christmas Eve. Saturn stands for limitations,  rules and authority, while Uranus triggers radical shifts and rebellions and a powerful urge and need  for freedom and spontaneity. Saturn is the old guard, Uranus is the new path. The more Saturnian types will cling to the tried and true, while those more influenced by Uranus will attempt to break free of whatever appears to be holding them back. And appears is the operative word. With Neptune's obfuscating our clarity,  we must be careful of what we are reacting to. To say that these two have been in tension all year is an understatement! Regarding  our Christmas gatherings,  it appears that more lock-downs are coming into play again as the latest variation of variants appears on the scene. Here we go again!  So there you have it  - freedom (Uranus) versus restrictions and limitations (Saturn).

What a year! 

That promise of redemption cannot come soon enough!

 I do hope you are all hanging in there and still finding reasons to celebrate and appreciate this amazing life, even in the midst of so much struggle and strife.  Despite the challenges, and even in our greatest darkness...  there is always light!

Today we celebrate that!

One last  thing: Here is today’s chart. You can see lines from all the planets are connecting to the Moon in Cancer. That tells us there is a powerful focus on feeling! Emotional intelligence and integration rules the day! Tears may flow....

This is especially significant because the Moon is at a critical degree -  sitting opposite Pluto and Venus in Capricorn. This polarity point represents not only the energy signature for the next three months (until the Spring Equinox) but also signifies our Collective Evolutionary Journey at this time. The Moon highlighting Pluto's polarity point  in Cancer  shows us our souls current destiny and direction.  
 “Pluto rules the root chakra, the kundalini life force, and its placement in the horoscope reveals our soul history and intentions for this life.”
Pluto in Capricorn is about old power sourced in institutions, governments and patriarchal authority systems, while the Moon in Cancer indicates our soul's evolution is about developing a deeper emotional intelligence and  connection to our feeling body ~ Moon in Cancer is the yin, feminine principle. Under patriarchy this archetype has been denied, suppressed and cut off; now it's time to return to the mother, return to our soul self.  Venus Pluto Moon calls us to Self Love. You cannot love another from an empty cup. Fill your cup! 
The Venus retrograde beginning today has a feeling of sacred celebration, and her downward journey  will tap us into the ever flowing river of life and love. If you have any planets at the last ten degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn you will probably be feeling an especially  strong inward pull, though this will effect everyone.

For all of us, this powerful alignment  is about reorienting ourself to our soul's imperative - which is Love.  Venus and the Moon- the two feminine archetypes, are  calling us to nurture ourselves and others from a place of love, empathy and care. No more power over ~ that is the old way who's time is done. The feminine is rising ~ let’s rise with her!
You know you want to!
