Total Solar eclipse: The short version

 Only the Beginning....

Yesterdays post was a bit of a long ramble - could have used some editing lol. Here's the short version:

New Moon Solar eclipse in Sagittarius: Dec 4,  2:45 am  EST -  12:45 MST - 7:45 am UK
This eclipse represents a turning point. The sign of the archer is the archetype of the explorer, grand adventurer, spiritual seeker as well as teacher (the guru). Represents our beliefs and belief systems, as well as our inner knowing. 
An eclipse on the South Node Destiny Point in Sagittarius means a release of some kind of old limiting belief  that is blocking our spiritual growth.  An eclipse marks an ending, as well as a beginning.
~The eclipse is on the ' Great Attractor' - bringing a potentially profound shift in perspective
~The presence of Uranus can trigger some sort of sudden change, shift, surprise, aha moment,  awakening.
~The presence of Neptune brings in spiritual forces to either amplify or dissolve our illusions
~ We are expanding our understanding of what it means to be a human being ~ Jupiter in Aquarius:

The overall message is about Release. Freedom. Change ... if we are willing to let go of whatever is blocking us from our true self.
Time to let go of the past and step into a bright future!
You know you want to!  

p.s. It's a process, not an end result. Watch what shifts over the next 6 months
