Bright New Beginnings: New Moon Solar Eclipse

From Darkness to Light


Solar Eclipses happen when the New Moon passes in front of the face of the sun, from Earth's perspective. Today's total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius asks us to enter the portal of time itself,  promising to shift us to  anther level of reality.  Sagittarius always invites us to see the bigger picture, and the aim of this  eclipse is to remove what has been blocking our view.  

 "This eclipse can be considered the final cosmic nudge toward creating a better balance between the need for logic, facts and figures (Gemini)and the need for faith and belief (Sagittarius).The focus is on new beginnings related to our personal interests and philosophy, as well as our worldview." Cafe Astrology

I would add it will judge us toward true Knowing vs learned knowing.

 The best visibility for this eclipse is from Antarctica and surrounding waters, although some partial phases are visible in regions such as Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and South Africa. It peaks around 7:30  am  in Antartica,  2:30 am EST,  12:30 am MST etc.

Whether you get to see it or just feel it, this is energy that promises  positive outcomes  as long as we are willing to let go of what has been limiting us. On a global scale, the last Total Solar eclipse was the Great American eclipse  on August 17, 2017... whose pathway cut America in half. Interesting to see what has occurred since that time in America, it does seem like the good  ol' US of A had been seriously divided since that time and the current madness seems linked somehow to that event. There now happens to be a lot of media focus on the areas that this eclipse is moving through... mostly in relation to the politics around Covid, the extreme police measures in Australia and New Zealand, and subsequent massive protests of thousands, while in South Africa we get the  'new variants of concern'. In Antartica there is a recent discovery of a huge mysterious structure found deep beneath the ice, and a volcano warning.

Whatever is coming toward us may change the way we see the world and how we fit in it.  Some kind of serous upgrade is available now that can awaken us as and help us break out of the old world view. A powerful feature of this Solar Eclipse  is that it sits very near something called the Greater Attractor, a ‘massive galactic anomaly’  known for “warping time and space while bending light with its massive gravity.

“The enormous gravity of the Great Attractor actually bends light around it. It bends the light so much, that a glimpse of what is behind it can be taken. This quality of gravitational lensing provides clear ‘behind the scenes’ insights, while simultaneously offering other refractive illusions…”

"Another interesting technical note is that when the source of the light and its center of mass stand aligned, the resulting light display is a cross. This could go many directions symbolically. The obvious would be creating absolute unity at the core - in this case, perhaps we could assume the soul’s essence contained perfectly in the centre of mass of the body all the while including the influence of things coming from every corner of the cross (direction).”
(above quotes and info on the Great Attractor excerpted from a short synopsis of The Soul of the Sky) 

So this eclipse seems to be about seeing what is behind (root causes)  as well as what lies ahead.  So much of the astrology of the least few years has been about  clearing old beliefs. We could use a new, more positive perspective on what is coming forward at this time, and sometimes that includes understanding what led us to where we are now. Watch your dreams for insights into what this may mean for you. Ask for messages. The idea of leaving aside old ways of thinking has been in focus for the past year  and half (nodes in Gemini (thinking) and Sagittarius (believing) and this is the final one in these signs for nine years. It's not always easy to change our ways. You know when you get a computer upgrade,  sometimes it means that half of your old programs don't work anymore. That is  literally what is happening to us right now. Everything needs an upgrade to be able to work properly.

The next series of eclipses will be in Taurus/Scorpio,  which are all about the earth, money, security and our physical and psychological survival.  Uranus in Taurus is going to be shaking things up as it moves through the sign, especially when it joins the North Node in Taurus next summer.   Perhaps this eclipse will bring some inner  clarity and help us prepare to deal with the next level of changes.  If you look and see where the eclipse occurs in your chart at 12 degrees Sagittarius you can gain some hints as to the area of your life that may need revisiting and re visioning (click on drop down tab on top left for ‘houses’). It may take some journalling or other form of inner process work to uncover where  limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck.

Some astrologers see this as a harbinger of good luck in whatever area of your chart it is passing.

Whatever happens,  this eclipse creates a powerful energy portal that can transport us to a higher level of  consciousness. The new information or way-of-seeing will definitely push up against our core beliefs and flag any sense of personal certainty or self-righteousness that we hold in relation to established  ‘truths’. That includes political correctness and the social, philosophical or intellectual ideas that we cling to so dearly. All of it must be put to the test if we are to truly be masters of our own destiny. Humility required!

Also inked to the eclipse is Uranus, the Awakener.  ‘Sky god’ Uranus rules the higher mind, and is currently bringing a surge of higher frequency, electromagnetic energy  bursts to awaken and  upgrade us. This high frequency charge added to an eclipse can destabilize and disrupt (that is its purpose);  sleep may be disrupted or we may feel restless or a bit jumpy. Mars is also adding volatility.We need to all stay grounded and try to focus on stillness and meditation over the next few days, or find a good outlet for these intense energies such as walking in nature,  drumming, dancing, or any sort of movement that keeps your energy fluid.  I'm taking part in a shamanic journey tomorrow; this is a time of year when we need more sleep... sleep and dream and vision as you open your heart to new insights and revelations; you know you want to :)


  The Magician is a Seer and Manifester.   What do you want to create in your future?

As our understanding gets pushed and stretched, there’s a good chance we could be surprised or shocked by what we see, feel, discover over the coming months; remember it is all to bring us to new levels of awareness. These are not easy times... but they really are times of awakening. The old systems are fighting hard to maintain control and  power which is of course  stirring up resistance and rebellion  (Pluto in Capricorn square Eris, Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus).  It is always darkest before the dawn.  

Information is easily distorted, manipulated, confusing or downright lies (Neptune), as well as censored, suppressed, denied.  Some believe they are fighting against medical tyranny, others believe it's all for the greater good. Who to trust ? What to believe? I am personally enjoying Russel Brand's insightful takes on the current madness. And he's also hilarious... a bit of levity  goes a long way at the moment! 

When in doubt - pray! A New Moon is the time to set clear  intentions: an eclpse even more so. In Sagittarius, ask for clear knowing and  guidance for your next steps. The ultimate Sagittarius goal is to    Find our inner knowing. Seek and ye shall find.


Just a few more things: (so much going on right now!) I could break this up into two posts- or you can just read it in two parts.

New Moon Solar eclipse: Part Two 

Neptune is at an exact right angle to this eclipse, which  is a mixed blessing.The planet of dreams and visions, as well as illusion and deception, has been a huge part of the story of the last couple of years; it  can lead us astray or bring us home. This is a time to pay attention to our  dreams and messages use discernment  to decipher their meanings. Develop your intuitive skills... they will stand you in good stead.

Many years ago, in the midst of a personal crisis,  I had a powerful dream. I was in a house flying through the air like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, and when it landed sideways on the ground,  I looked out the window, and here is what I saw.  I saw the sun setting on a field of total devastation and destruction. Everything was dead. And then I heard a soft sound like humming, that was humming new Sun into being. As the New Sun begin to rise, I felt a deep sense of both relief and yet also foreboding.  Then, suddenly,  I was in an amphitheater with a wise Yoda like being sitting on the stage speaking to me. Here is what he said.

“The darkness cannot exist. The darkness will go away”

That for me is the message  of  this solar eclipse. Seek the light. Not to deny spiritually bypass what is going on ... but to light your way forward.  Trust the light. And pray to god it is not the light of an oncoming train!  (hehe - dark humour for dark times)


 There is always hope!

Ok last but not least:
The current themes  started when Saturn Pluto joined up in January of 2020 beginning a time of karmic reckoning. They are the themes of death and denial. Fear and blame. Battles for power and control. Trust and letting go.

Soon Jupiter will move into the sign of Pisces, where it will amplify both the higher and lower aspects of the water sign. In other words,  it can lead to deeper spiritual connection or we could get lost in more confusion/dissolution. Whatever we choose, it will come to a peak when Jupiter joins Neptune on April 14th, 2022.

Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces represents Great Blessing. It is grace, creativity, redemption, spirituality, joy, compassion,  empathy, kindness. Unity Consciousness  prevails.


Jupiter could amplify the worse side of Neptune and continue the waves of  illness and illusion, delusion and  confusion. We may have issues with oceans, water (floods) drugs, escapism,  pharmaceuticals and much much more lies and fake news.

So which will it be? Is it the end? Or just the beginning?

Only the Beginning
