Full Moon Glory! Capricorn Mastery

 Everything in the universe seems to move in cycles. Yin/Yang,inhalation/exhalation,  contraction/expansion. In the midst of the madness of the world,   studying history shows us there are continuous cycles to cultures made up of people, places and things. Everything has a beginning, a middle and an ending, and so the cycles go on and on. Times of expansion. Times of contraction. Good times.  Bad times. In-between times.   The best of times,  the worst of times.

"And we go round and round and round in the circle game!"


 Notice the connections between  all the planets -  the dance/interplay of the energies of the galaxy we live in.  I love how Astrology reminds me that everything is cyclical, and everything is connected.

The Full Moon in Capricorn occurred today around noon, Mountain Time - 2pm Eastern, 7pm Uk time. Tonight it is shining bright in the summer sky. I just popped outside to take this pic. Happy Summer Solstice by-the-way. And Happy Full Moon.

Capricorn is the sign of the elder, it is about duty, responsibility, and authority. Capricorns have a strong drive to succeed; they seek worldly success as a way to prove their worth.  The ultimate expression of Capricorn is Self Mastery.  It asks us to grow up,  take responsibility and claim personal authority over our life.

Pluto (the destroyer/transformer) has been moving through the sign of  Capricorn for the past 10 years, shaking up governments, systems and institutions. It may seem like they are still in control, yet in truth it's really the last gasp of the dying patriarchy. What comes next, as Pluto moves into Aquarius in four years, will be interesting,  to say the least, as it coincides with us entering  the age of Aquarius.  Pluto is the great transformer.

Part of the deconstruction taking place is about taking back  personal authority that we may have given away to others, be they parents, priests or government leaders. The Aquarian age is about working together as a collective to  bring more equity and equality to the world

We're not quite there yet ~ this is still the dismantling phase!

 This card can be turned several ways; I like in this version how it shows the tower that has come crashing down becoming a bridge that can be used to cross over to the other side of the chasm. Jupiter says there is always hope! Pluto will continue to shake us up  to wake us up, yet for every ending,  there will always be a new beginning.

At the moment, that is all happening in the background. In the foreground is this glorious Moon! 


                          Full Moon rise over Mt. Royal, Montreal, borrowed from James Smith

A Capricorn Moon is about structure and discipline. It can help us get back a sense of control after the strange topsy-turvy energy of the Mercury retrograde that is just ending. As the Moon cycle reaches it peak,  we've been through two eclipses and a Mercury retrograde. Eclipses are portals into a new reality... and I mentioned in my last post that these eclipses have to do with facts, ideas, how we think, what we believe. They focused on letting go of old belief systems; by turning things upside down  we get to see the world with new eyes.

 Whatever in your world is changing and morphing, let this Full Moon illuminate and bring to fruition the lessons that have arisen since the lunar eclipse of May 26th (Sagittarius) and the Solar Eclipse of June 10th (Gemini) Those lessons will now be forming into a peak moment of awareness and integration.

Capricorn ask us to make concrete what is in our hearts and minds. Time to walk your talk! With the focus on how we talk, think, and  believe (North Node in Gemini) , we are being pushed to release old mental constructs that keep us tied to the past. There is a push pul right now between the past (Saturn) and the future (Uranus) and that tension is moving through us all in different ways.  Finding a new way forward means letting go of our preconceptions so we can continue (or start)  to see clearly even while things may be revealed that challenge our world view. So many factors(Mercury retrograde and Neptune's shenanigans )  have made it hard to distinguish fact from fiction. I think we are  getting pretty burned out on endless arguments around what is really going on. From this time forward,  there may be new  information coming to light that has  been previously hidden, and which will change the way we see things. This can be disconcerting and disorienting. As the old ways begin to die the tendency is to cling to what is familiar. Time to...

The Capricorn Moon can be a bit stodgy and conservative, preferring the good ol' fashioned way of doing things, like a  John Wayne movie where men are men!  Yet at its best, Capricorn is a solid base that can help ground us and help us integrate all the emotion that has been swirling around in the build up to this Full Moon, whose true purpose is to help us step into our personal authority. 

As the world story continues to evolve and change, we each get to own our own part in our own story. Turns out it is actually each of us that chooses how that will unfold.  And while Capricorns do tend to keep their emotional cards close to their chest, the Full Moon will bring up strong inner tides as it shines a light on our own deep emotions.   
You are the  Master of your own ship; what you do with it  is your own unfolding story!
Steady as she goes!

"One ship drives east and another drive's west,
with the self same winds that blow, 
It's the set of the sails and not the gails that tell us the way to go. 
Like the winds of the sea and the ways of fate, 
as we voyage alone through life,
It's the set of a soul that decides its goal
and not the calm or strife"

