New Moon = New Moment = New Choice

Happy Beltane (last weekend)... midpoint between the Spring equinox and Summer Solstice. Dancing around and through the sacred fire, burning off the dross, celebrating the fertility and fecundity of Mother Earth. Blessed Be!

Have you felt a little restless and impatient today? The New Moon in Taurus ~ who likes things slow and steady ~ contains an electric energy field  that is speeding things up and promising an encounter with the unexpected. We are also heading into an eclipse portal beginning with the Full Moon eclipse in two weeks, plus  Mercury will soon be turning  retrograde.  Things are moving and shifting in all sorts of ways and directions. Choices will be made, directions will be taken. Which way will you go?
Choose to choose
Or Choose not to choose
You will choose all the same

The Sun in Taurus likes to take it easy… and is famous for its love of physical pleasures and creature comforts. Yet although it may appear to be lazy, Taurus is a loyal worker who always gets there in the end. 

This is the sign of ‘Slow n Steady wins the race.’

Taurus is also linked to the Great Mother  who wants to nurture us and will help us to relax and take the time to stop and smell the flowers. After the fierce initiating fire of Aries,  the rich  earthiness of Taurus can calm and soothe us and help us place our feet firmly on the ground.  This is the time of Beltane maypoles and maidens and planting seeds in fertile soil. We all could use some tender tending,  and  extra focus on self-love and self-care.  Earthy rituals like long walks in nature and digging in the garden, or cooking up nutritious delicious food, can  go a long way to soothing us body and soul.

Combined with the earthly comforts of Taurus, the frequency of communication is highlighted right now,  which we can use to ask for what we want/need. This is a good time to tune in to your body … what is it telling you? Where does it ache? What does it need? A massage? A long bath with soothing music?   What do you need to ground and soothe your soul? Find a ritual that involves the earth in some way... collect some stones, make a small altar with plants or herbs. Light some incense to stimulate your sense of smell.

The Taurus New Moon is a seed time (literally) for planting on both a physical and metaphoric level. We are re-birthing ourself after a long gestation. Ideas and inspiration are readily available now; despite the slow-mo earthy vibe,  we are in the midst of a lightning storm of possibilities. We get to choose what we want to put forward at this time.  Despite the world’s ills,  there is a sense of hope in the air and 'some' people are beginning to be able to look ahead to the future.  As many emerge from isolation, new plans are being made, new dreams are being dreamed. Seeds are getting ready to sprout. Whether this optimism is warranted and the solutions  are in fact solid ones remains to be seen;  Uranus will continue disrupting our best laid plans,  so best take things one step at a time. Nature cannot be rushed.


 The tension between Saturn and Uranus will continue,  amplifying  rules and regulations and social control  and  triggering in some a deep urge to rebel and break free. Mars continues to make people more touchy and reactive.  It is important now to focus on thinking independently. Only you know what is best for you as you become aware of the fine line between social unity and group-think. We may see more protests, and legal challenges  as many march and express resistance to things like vaccine passports, and imposed lockdowns... leading to the re-imposition of more  restrictions ...  etc etc . It looks like it is going to be push pull all of this year with the unsettling energy of Uranus  keeping  us on our toes.   Part of self-care is learning to step away from the social pressures to figure out what you really need personally. Yes we are all in this together, yet  some will fell the need to remain independent of what’s coming down the tubes via consensus ‘reality.'

I find that when my own thinking and questioning makes me the odd one out, the challenge is to keep my equilibrium  and try to avoid the polarity of  making others  'right or wrong'.  It helps to avoid insisting that everyone agree with my point of view,  and always seek common  ground.  Mercury is said to be ‘out of bounds’ (beyond  the Suns elliptic path)   and is sitting on the North Node of the Moon/Collective Destiny Point -  giving it extra emphasis. Use your instincts. Think outside the box.  Question everything! Communication is critical at this time and what and how we think is a big part of our learning curve. Many questions need to be asked:  how do you know what you know? Do you believe everything you hear or read in the media? How do you know what is true or false?'

I definitely seem to have more questions than answers. Which is kind of the essence of  this New Moon. Change is afoot and we are in the midst of it. Nothing is certain. Expect the unexpected.  

This above all: to thine own self be true,

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man (or woman :)



 As far as outcomes, there seem to be many possible directions, many threads to this story. Nothing is set in stone,  and even if it were,  something could upend it at any time (and probably will). Uranus reminds us that nothing is forever and nothing is certain (even in Taurus), so it looks like we are definitely entering this next moon cycle with more questions than answers. That can be daunting but it is also exciting. Uranus opens up possibilities. The only way from here is up!


As always, in the midst of the chaos, there are always gifts, and Jupiter is the greatest gift giver of them all. The planet of joy and expansion is now  linked to Venus, planet of love, and as Venus is the ruler of this Taurus New Moon, this bodes well for the coming cycle; it looks like those surprises could be good ones.

When I was writing this blog for the  full moon two weeks ago, I got caught up with a bit of fear of Saturn and  became more focused on its possibly negative influence. What  I didn't pay as much attention to was  the presence of  Venus (love)  opposite the Moon and very close to Uranus (unexpected). The surprises brought by  Venus Uranus turned out to be most delightful : You just never know what surprising encounters may come your way just when you least expect them.

With Jupiter involved in this New Moon, good luck, abundance, and a sense of well-being may come to us all. Focus on what you need/want, set your intention and let Jupiter make it so.

You know you want to!
