After the eclipse

The Mercury storm is upon us.


When Mercury slows down (visually from earth) in preparation to go backward (Saturday), it hovers in one spot for several days. The Mercury Storm is like Mercury retrograde on steroids. The wind is up and strange things occur. I got a blast of it today working on new app so I could send blog posts from my phone. When I saved it - somehow it got posted,  instead of being saved as a draft. Later when I went in to edit and add to it - the writing I did was nowhere to be found. Then later this evening I discovered it in my email - including all kinds of blips and typos etc. Ha ha jokes on me. I hope you were able to get something out of it!

At least I was on time for a change! 

Mercury retrogrades turn things on their head, getting us to see things from a different perspective as we reflect and review  the areas (sign/house) in which the retrograde is moving.  In this case,  it occurs in the sign of Gemini, which is also Mercury's home sign. Both the coming Mercury retrograde in Gemini, and today's lunar eclipse want us to reexamine our thinking and communication patterns, and especially  the belief systems they are based on. This may destabilize the assumptions we live our life by, yet that is exactly what it is meant to do.  Eclipses bring endings and new beginnings. We may find ourself  looking back on the path we have been traveling, and reassessing the direction we want to move in. If this eclipse is crossing key places or planets in your chart, a new beginning may be in store for you.  One door closes another one opens.  This potential for a majour change of plans or change in direction  also has a global significance because the nodes are the collective destiny points.

Seems something that we have outgrown  has served its purpose  and  its time for it to go. It may be an idea a belief, or a way of doing things...or new information suddenly makes you see things differently.  Look at the house the eclipse occurs in to see where change may occur. Sagittarius links to our life purpose, as do the nodes of the Moon, so this eclipse promises a very significant shift for  individuals as well as for society at large. 

The Full Blood Moon eclipse will peak  at 5:45 Mountain time, 7:45 EDT and 12:45 UTC time ~ it will be over by the time you read this. Oh well.  We can feel it on some subtle level as it ripples out for months to come. The key lesson of this Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius is:1. Let go of expectations. 2. Don't assume you know everything about anything. There is always more to learn. 3. Be open for a new direction. You just never know. And remember that the lunar south node is a release point.. and in Sagittarius  is about letting go of some belief that used to be true for you but no longer is.The times they are a changin'.

(It was Bob Dylan's Birthday a few days ago. Happy Birthday Bob!)

The Moon represents our emotional patterns, and our past. Also our mother. This may be about  a change in how you relate to her. Memories may come up, or  intense dreams. Old resentments can fade away as we start to see things from a broader perspective. Old wounds that come up can be easily healed and released now. People we are emotionally attached to may leave our life. Or we just stop thinking of them.  In my case, it was the opposite; a very dear friend of mine, who I haven't seen in years,  just reappeared in my life out of the blue - moved to the city I am in.  What a surprise! His Sun  in Gemini is on my own South Node (my past)  - which is now aligned with the current Nodal axis (NN - the future).  The past coming to meet the future!! You cant make this stuff up!!

So watch out for synchronicities, and for shifts in perspective. The way you thought things would be, or should be,  may not be the way things are. Plans may change. Feelings may change. Truths may be revealed.  Sometimes these reality checks are difficult, especially if we are still clinging to the old plan. Jupiter's strong presence adds a positive, optimistic vibe. Things are expanding.  Trust that whatever is changing is changing for the good. Even though you may be shaken out of your comfort zone, that light on the horizon is not an oncoming train, it's a beacon to show you the way forward.   All will be well. 

Have faith. 

You know you want to! :)


 Eclipse info/links
