The times they are a changing!

How's everyone doing out there? We are now at the one year marker for the official start of the pandemic in the west; it's certainly been a year that we will never, ever  forget!

When things get shaken up as they are right now, it seems pretty natural to question WTF is going on. But from where I sit, the supposed answers are so varied and  so often in direct opposition to each other,  its near impossible to get a clear lay of the land. I know many will say they know the 'truth' of what is going on,  and will argue it forever, yet that kind of  'certainty' is part of what has to go. We are being asked to step outside our fixed positions to see from a diversity of viewpoints (Gemini) and to consider may ways of experiencing the world. And if a part of us  wants to cling to the past and to what was familiar, secretly hoping things will get back to normal, in truth,  it seems there is no 'normal' to go back to. It never really was 'normal' ~ for oh so many reasons ~ and now that global landscape has been irretrievably changed and will continue to be so, and we will have to adapt.  
We're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. 
Tower Card (Raven Art)
So where exactly are we?

 Don't ask me,  haha. All the planets are saying...  is that there are no clear answers.
As the  Sun moves closer and closer to Neptune in Pisces - a very 'spiritual' aspect -it  activates a right angle square to the Collective Destiny Points, called the 'bending'... adding to the existing sense of unreality for a short while.  This 'bending' is a critical point that requires we process something uncomfortable,  which can trigger feelings of confusion and crisis, but also  prompt us to seek a deeper understanding of ourselves in relation to the world (so its a good thing after all).
 Pisces tends to blur reality ~  great for creativity and meditation ~ but not so great for getting a sense of clarity or solidity.  Sun /Neptune/Pisces speak to our deepest  spiritual longing and desire to feel that there is something more to life. They are calling us now us to to seek the answers inside of us ~ to find our own True North.  
We will need to properly  reposition ourselves now so that we can align with the new energies coming in, and by necessity,  some of our older heavier  baggage will need to be jettisoned.   Whatever got us this far may no longer be appropriate for the future, so why are we carrying all this crap around anyway?   In particular, this is
a good time to be re-examining your thoughts and beliefs including the  encoded religious and philosophical thinking that has been passed down through generations (Moon's nodes in Gemini and Sagittarius). Each of us has had our own family conditioning, as well as the collective stories that get fed to us via education, religion and media. Interesting that they are are going to stop publishing some of the Dr Seuss books which I love so much, due to them apparently containing  inappropriate and harmful cultural stereotypes that are part of a bygone era. Whatever you think of this kind of cancel culture, its a sign of the type of changes we are undergoing, for good for for ill.   The push pull between old and new (Saturn/Uranus) will continue all year, with the South Node (past )in Sagittarius a current release point that speaks to the need to move beyond outdated and outmoded belief systems.

The solution being offered by Sun Venus Neptune in Pisces  ~ is to surrender and trust in something greater than you. Let it go. Let it flow. To know what is real, you must learn how to feel! 
You know you want to!




