From Dakness to Light!

 Hello everyone. If you are on the mailing list and want to visit my actual webpage  (link at bottom of email) you will see that I've switched things up a bit. I thought it was time for a change and am happy with it so far. Any feedback is welcome! I still have a few issues with Blogger's formatting etc. and maybe one day I'll switch ~ but for now the new page reflects the sense of hope and renewal that is in the air.  

From darkness to light!!


The  cosmic weather for March is much gentler and lighter than we have had in a very long while. Whew! Spring is on its way!  It's a time of peace and renewal ~ beginning with last week's Sun Venus conjunction (pure love) in peace loving Pisces that is still rippling out. All month long there are few harsh aspects anywhere. There is still some background noise (as always) but with all planets moving forward now, blockages should slowly begin to melt away (at least for a while). 
The push pull of the Saturn (control) Uranus (freedom) square is the most powerful dynamic to play out all year, but for now it is fading a little, allowing us time to rest and recuperate and start to plan for the future.
Yet it is not time to blast forward - at least not just yet. The Sun joining Neptune in dreamy Pisces this week will put us in a more inward, floaty state of mind ~ perfect time to relax and reflect as we prepare for spring. With the Pisces water element so strong right now,  why not do some emotional cleansing? There may be wounds that need addressing and healing; this has been (and still is for some) a very tough time  of unprecedented challenges, and the fears, triggers and traumas that have been activated may require  some self care and extra support.
“Sometimes we are saved by sinking. A cleansing. And when we emerge, we know something about ourselves that was previously hidden. “
Quote and image 'The Cleansing" by Brooke Shaden Photography
Pisces is a water sign that rules our creativity, imagination and longing for spirit and unity.  Sun conjunct Neptune over the next week can take us deep into the unconscious realms. A time for creating ~ dreaming ~ meditating. Tune into the music of the spheres.  Let it go ~ let it flow! 💕
You know you want to! 

