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Happy Harvest Moon!
Did you see the juicy ripe Moon last night? This is the time of year when farmers pull in their crops. What are you harvesting in your life? Are you feeling abundant or a victim (of circumstance)? Are you finding something positive in the midst of this crazy sh*t storm called  2020?! I hope so. There is a saying in Jungian therapy - about finding the gold in the shadow. We should all be bloody rich by now lol. 
I'm afraid the intensity is going to continue until the end of the year,  and it looks like October is especially pressurized. The month opens and ends on a Full Moon (so there will be a Blue Moon for Halloween) with the first one (yesterday) conjunct Chiron - wounded Healer) and the Blue Moon on Oct 31st conjunct Uranus - the Awakener!  Mars is retrograde through November and will be in great tension with Saturn Jupiter and Pluto (some call these the Covid Clump!). Mars square Saturn is like driving with the breaks on and Mercury  retrograde in mid Oct. promises more chaos and confusion!  
There have been  majour retrogrades (Mars Saturn Jupiter Pluto) since March 2020 that are in the process of  shifting and all will be direct by the end of the year. Retrogrades turn us back on ourselves; this has certainly been a year for that! It feels like the whole world has been stood still (for good or ill) -  a time for self reflection and evaluation as the pattern of how we do life gets shaken up (so we waken up).
The winds of disruption will continue to blow so hold onto your hats!

A majour theme of this Full Moon is around Chiron ~ the wounded healer. Chiron in Aries is about healing a damaged sense of self, rooted in our childhood and/or our relationship to our mother (moon). The archetypal mother-wound is a deep chasm we often avoid for fear of falling in. This is a time for self-healing through facing the hurts of the past - to clear the way for a better future. Aries can be feisty and impatient.... but right now we must tread carefully. Gently ~ gently does it at this time of deep vulnerability.  Hidden memories that come up now might be around anger (Mars) or self esteem (Chiron) or lack of nurturing (Moon). 
(If you have Sun Moon or Aries rising around 8 - 12 degrees- you'll be really feeling this one).

“It is important to move past the resentment caused by early wounding into a more conscious and compassionate reconciliation with the walled off parts of your own nature. Therefore, deep psychological work of some variety is strongly indicated. Once you have begun to make conscious the pain and alienation surrounding events from the long-buried past, you can begin to truly help others as well as yourself. A creative side of your nature may emerge for the first time.Time Passages

If the Full Moon in Aries  brings up some delicate feelings,  take some time to gently self-soothe - through music - nature - touch- meditation - whatever helps you regulate your connection to yourself.  Trauma caused a dis-regulation of our system when we were too young to know what was happening. Now it’s time to get support and learn to self-parent. There are many new modalities emerging around healing trauma these days - we don't have to try and do this alone. At the same time - the first step must be ours.
"On a personal level, these times are calling us to cultivate our inner gardens, our own inner resources, and our abilities to self-soothe and heal.
We are learning to listen and trust the truth inside us." 
Mystic Mamma

We are being forced to slow down and  look at what needs attending to.  When we come from our unconscious wounds we are often blind to how we affect others. Hurt people hurt people. We have been compensating for so much internal pain - so much easier to grab onto a cause and  jump into action -  much easier than actually feeling the pain. We can do that for a while,  but things everywhere are so intense that everything brings up our stuff.  Eventually we have to feel what is not always comfortable to feel.  Breathe into it - lean into it. You can do this. You might want to look at authority issues (Saturn Jupiter Pluto in Capricorn) - or trust issues - both are intricately rooted  in our early experience of parental care. We have to be our own parents now.


 Then there is the Mars retrograde. Mars is  the energy that drives us forward, and in retrograde motion it throws us back on ourselves. And on top of that a tense angle to Saturn is blocking forward movement - which be very frustrating. The planet of lessons and obstructions can activate guilt, depression, negativity... as well as determination.  Mars wants us to look at what we want, what we desire, and how we go about getting it. 
 Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want.
So, tell me what you want, what you really really want.
I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want.
So, tell me what you want, what you really really want.
("Wannabe" - Spice Girls) 

And when we don't get what we want - we can throw temper tantrums. Or sulk. Or get depressed. Or we can find a new way of doing things.  If you're having trouble getting it together,  use this time to sort yourself out.   'When fishermen cant go fishing, they mend their nets.'  
See if there are holes in your net.  Wherever the  Moon Chiron Aries Full Moon conjunction is  in your chart - will show where you self sabotage and also where there is a possibility of deep healing. Mars Saturn can be frustrating but can also give us the determination to see things through. Sometimes a little bloody mindedness can be useful.  Great shifts generally require a great effort. And if you need to be forced into it  - I am sure the universe will co-operate!

All of this powerful  tension is building toward a climax at the end of the month. By the next Full Moon the pressure cooker will come to a peak and something will blow/shift/change. Then at the end of the year the gang of Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto will begin to separate,  and tensions will start to ease. Sort of...
In the meantime - our open wounds become doorways to growth.   Mercury in Scorpio is a natural investigator who sees beneath the surface. It can  provide us with the perseverance we need to endure these triggering factors. We can not only survive - we can thrive.  Chiron was a centaur and  renowned healer and teacher  wounded by a poison arrow - yet who spent his entire life teaching, healing and helping others.  Our own Chiron wound can help us develop compassion and empathy for others - we can turn our vulnerability into our strength.
“Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system.…living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen."
Joanna Macy from World as Lover, World as Self

The surprise factor is yet to come. Uranus brings both instability and a sense of future possibility.   Right now if we listen carefully, we can hear the rumblings of change. Expect the unexpected. And if all is well in your world, and you are not mired in the mud - good for you. You can go help your neighbour. 
You know you want to!

