Happy Imbolc. Self Nurture is the rule of the day !
Some info from various sources:

“Imbolc is celebrated from February 1 through sundown February 2nd based on a Celtic celebration that means  'Yews Milk' or "in the belly," which refers to the pregnancy of ewes at this time of year. It was also called Brigantia for the Celtic female deity of light, calling attention to the Sun’s being halfway on its advance from the Winter Solstice to the Spring Equinox, and later became known as St Brighid's day or Candlemas.

The halfway-points between the Solstices and Equinoxes are called ‘Cross Quarter Days’ ~ and celebrate the feminine archetype. (Imbolc (Candlemas) Beltane (May Day) Lughansa (Lamas) and Samaine /Summers end (Halloween). 
Imbolc is a traditional time for initiations ~ something is awakening deep within the earth and within us all, as we head further into the new year. In the Northern Hemisphere we are still in the belly of winter- even as we anticipate the coming of spring.

"This in-the-belly time, when a new life is stirring within, but before it’s taken form, can be fraught with a jumble of confusing emotions. After having persevered so long in the dark - purging, detoxing, sloughing off old stories that were keeping you in stagnancy - the new sparkle is a welcome sign of life; the reward for your sacrifice of familiarity for vitality!  

As you finally emerge with greater ownership of your values and gifts, remember to honour the as yet fragile nature of new life. Tell yourself the story, again and again, of the love you offer, and the love you deserve, while your vision gains strength at the root. And when others praise your sudden arrival, I will remember the long bravery of your descent." Toko Pa

 The in-between times are often the most potent,  as we wait patiently for spring to come. It was not a good omen if the day (Imbolc) itself was bright and sunny, for that betokened snow and frost to continue to for 6 weeks.  The equivalent celebration in NA is Groundhog Day on Feb 2nd~  where if the groundhog sees his own shadow ~ he goes back underground for another six weeks of winter.

I will be watching the movie Groundhog Day for the zillionth time tonight ~ one of my all time favourites . Bill Murry keeps waking up on the same day (Groundhog Day) until he gets it right. Not only is it hillarious, the idea of repeating the same day over and over again,  with a chance to correct past mistakes, is a potent reminder that we do get to choose how we act and react in life, but it may take a few times to really get it.

The current Saturn Pluto intensity definitely has us facing our shadow ~ may light shine upon us and in us and give us hope.

May the long-time sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
Within you
Guide your way home
Guide your way home

Self Portrait by Maggie Bevan
