Full Moon eclipse in Cancer "Water Water everywhere - but not a drop to drink!"

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I'm having the usual formatting issues - I cannot get the text smaller (except for this note lol) . Oh well.. its a Full Moon - everything is expanded!

Today's  short version: 
Today we had a dynamic and emotional Full Moon - plus an eclipse - and then Saturn and Pluto will be bashing into each other on Sunday  (karmic reckoning) -  so things are rather intense. This is a good time to do some emotional processing, journalling, breathwork etc to release whatever is coming up for you. Deep breath in ~ deep breath out!  Or find  creative ways to express your emotions through writing, art, music, dance. Embrace whatever is coming up - it is for your healing. You've got this!

The longer version :)

Today’s Full Wolf Moon eclipse in the sign of Cancer speaks to the need to get in tune with our emotional bodies.  Cancer is the sign of the mother; she asks us to  move out of our heads and respond to situations from a place of emotional intelligence.   We are all under pressure,  and feelings have been running high; and that was before the Full Moon eclipse!  The wolves (of fear and doubt) may be howling at the door, triggering the need to find ways to protect and nurture ourself and others.  By the time you read this the eclipse will have passed (because hindsight is 2020!) but the energy will ripple out for days and even weeks. This sets the tone for the first half of the year - we are being thrown into the deep end of the water/emotional field. It's time to sink or swim!

The time between these eclipses has been a kind of sacred portal,  opening us  up to release deeper layers of our emotional baggage. The Winter Solstice was a time to pause and prepare for the coming year- which promises to be EPIC.  I was glad to  do a ritual release just as the Capricorn eclipse was occurring, and I did another one today to close the eclipse portal. This particular eclipse cycle has provided an
opportunity to face and recognize that a lot of the sh*t we have been dragging around all our life  is rooted in inherited family dynamics passed down from generation to generation.  If today's Full Moon eclipse is activating your energy field, previously blocked emotional pain may be rising to the surface to be felt and released; and tears may flow. Let your tears be a cleansing release of all that is ready to be let go of.

The physical details: A penumbral lunar eclipse is different from a total lunar eclipse. It occurs when the Moon moves into Earth's penumbra, or outer shadow, which causes the Moon to look darker than normal. During a total lunar eclipse, the change is more dramatic because the entire moon appears to be a deep red colour. This eclipse will last for about four hours – and will be subtle visually- but not energetically! It was seen  in Asia, Australia, Europe and Africa.

 As the Moon in Cancer gets eclipsed by the earth's shadow – the focus on releasing old family patterns (Cancer = Mother) has us working on  healing the wounds of the past, especially  the mother /father wound. Emotional traumas relating to family dynamics can be stirred up for those whose charts are lining up with the planets in Cancer and Capricorn. Libra and Aries are at right angles so also in the cross hairs.  These family patterns often go back generations - its worth learning a bit about your family history to uncover some of the stories and energies that get passed down (such as poverty, divorce, abandonment, war trauma, sexual abuse,  immigration,  racial abuse, etc). I just saw the film Little Women - a rich story of one family's women and their stories, heart aches, challenges. 

A great exercise is to think about your favourite childhood story.  What archetypes, themes  and symbols does it contain that tell you something about yourself or your family story?Mine was the ugly Duckling- I felt alone and unloved. Then it was Peter Pan- the best solution was to fly away to Never-Never Land.  I was particularly afraid of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood and had nightmares about wolves for years (there were adults in my environment that were not at all safe).

This is a time to heal and release these old stories. By facing them and claiming my own agency- I am no longer ruled by them.  See what comes up for you and make a  5 x 8 card for it - (see instructions on tab at top) or journal about it. 

A Cancer Full Moon is an especially  emotional time. The eclipse portal that opened on Christmas day with the New Moon in Capricorn (see last post) brought issues to the surface that are now  coming to a head. The Moon in Capricorn was about growing up and claiming our mastery (see last post). Now some of us may be encountering whatever issues/blockages are/were standing in the way of that. This Full Moon energy comes from the unconscious realm - the land of moonlight and dreams.  I've had some powerful dream messages in the last few days that carry a repeating theme -   something  is asking to be witnessed/understood. I'll collage some cards this Sunday to help  process their meanings (see ArtnSoul Collage info/tab at top of page). Our dreams are such powerful portals  into the archetypal realms - especially around an eclipse or Full Moon;  welcome the visitors who come to awaken your night vision.

With Saturn and Pluto so powerful right now  (exact conjunction is on Sunday) we are  being hit by a profound  global effect. Fires are raging, wars are raging, politicians are raging (mad). Things will keep intensifying as we approach the exact conjunction this Sunday Jan 12th. (yikes).  A sense of dread,  fears, trepidation come hand in hand with Saturn and Pluto; times feel  heavy and dark. There may be a sense of loss as we are forced to  let go of some idea or ideal as we face the reality (Saturn) of what is in front of us. Yet all is not lost. 

Saturn Pluto in Capricorn can indicate a consolidation of money and power – some people are having their best year ever. If you can harness these energies you can move forward in a powerful way. Yet that is not an easy task - and not without risk - as an unstoppable force(Pluto) meets an unmovable object (Saturn).  Current threats of war come to mind!  Capricorn deals with father, authority, governments, systems of control – which are linked to the history of suppression, oppression and denigration of the women, of darker races, of those deemed weaker or  'less than'.   Pluto is there to strip away tall that -  it is time for a new way of being in the world. But - spoiler alert - it may get worse before it gets better. If you know the tarot - the Tower card pretty much sums things up right now. The death of the ego - the potential death of a civilization (and hopefully the rebirth of something better)

 On a personal level, what is being eclipsed/ removed/released is some element of the past , some part of our emotional conditioning (Moon).  If you know your chart, look and see what area (house) the eclipse is occurring in - to narrow down its specific affect in your own life. Planetary aspects  generally affect us the most when they are close to planets in our natal chart. 

Because we’re dealing with outer planets (Saturn, Pluto, Uranus) there will likely be what seem like  fated events. Pluto on the south node destiny point can bring back people from our past that we thought  were gone for good (I know an astrologer that calls them 'corpses').  I have just had a friend/lover from years ago that disappeared and broke my heart (at the time)  suddenly reappear and is dying of cancer. Whew! 

As these planetary influences manifest on a global scale, and it seems like  everything is getting worse and worse, trust that this is just the last gasp of a dying order . During the transition to a new age, everything is chaotic and uncertain.  Who knows how long it’s going to take us to shake off the old ways and transition to the more egalitarian worldview of Aquarius.  One can only hope ! 

In the meantime - we’re being asked to grow up and claim our mastery (Sun in Capricorn). If something is broken it needs to be fixed. Cancer insists we dive deep into our feelings - let them guide you to right action. This is not a time for superficial solutions. We  must first master our emotional self;  to resolve what is so out of balance in the world, we must first find balance within ourself.

Needless to say that is a tall order. But what choice do we have?  Sure we could check out and watch it all from the bleachers(on the other side) But what's the fun in that?! With Saturn and Pluto  meeting in just two days; we get to see what happens when an unstoppable force (Pluto) meets an unmovable object(Saturn).  In the current political climate, threats of war are looming  (an apt metaphor). Except it’s not a metaphor,  it’s really happening! We are all dealing with our own personal shadow stuff (Pluto) as well as the collective shadow.Are we having fun yet?!

 In the midst of these crazy times - what can we do? What does this Cancer Full Moon shine a light on, and what is being eclipsed?  This is a wake up call.  As things get shaken up (Eris, Uranus) and broken down (Pluto) we will need to support each other. To find solutions, we need to nurture ourselves and others as we stand in our integrity (Saturn). 

Watch out for emotional reactions over the next few days. Put yourself in others shoes, before you leap to judgement - perhaps there are reasons behind their behaviour.That doesn't mean being a victim- that is part of what is being let go of.  Jupiter is there in the background helping us  stand in our power as it links us to the higher mind (Uranus). Intuition  can help us find ways through the storm into the clear light on  the other side.

Overall, this Full Moon in Cancer is a big but gentle giant - bringing us into an  loving and compassionate emotional field that can help  turn discord into discovery, conflict into communication, separation into synthesis.

“Seek to understand before you seek to be understood”.

(Steven Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Successful People)

Happy Full Moon and Happy New Year!

